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Now showing items 958-977 of 1244
R isk Assessment of Resident Farmer s in Kilimambogo , Kenya , Using RESRAD Computer Code.
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 14, Issue 9, September 2024, 2024)The concentration of radionuclides in the any given place is determined by the geology of the area. The levels of primordial radi-onuclides present in soil samples harvested from Kilimambogo region in Kenya was measured ... -
Rainfall and Temperature Trend Analysis using Mann-Kendall and Sen's Slope Estimator Test in Makueni County, Kenya
(Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 2024-03)This study sought to analyze annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall and temperature (minimum and maximum) trends in Makueni County from 1991 to 2020 using the Mann–Kendall (MK) trend test and Theil-Sen’s slope estimator. ... -
Range use and dynamics in the agropastoral system of southeastern Kenya
(2008)Occurrence of equilibrium and non equilibrium system dynamics in semiarid environments present serious management challenges. In these areas, resource management strategies are increasingly based on equilibrium rather than ... -
Range Use and Trophic Interactions by Agropastoral Herds in Southeastern Kenya
(2005)Habitat utilization patterns and feeding interaction of free ranging agropastoral herds were investigated in two cycles of four consecutive grazing periods, in a semiarid environment, southeastern Kenya. The bites count ... -
Re-centring Mother Earth: Ecological Reading of Contemporary Works of Fiction
(Mwanaka Media and Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2022)As the title, Re-centring Mother Earth: Ecological Reading of Contemporary Works of Fiction suggests, this book seeks to restore the principal influence of Mother Nature in human life. Individual literary critics have ... -
Reactive Power-Voltage-Based Voltage Instability Sensitivity Indices for Power Grid With Increasing Renewable Energy Penetration
(2020-05)In this work, a reactive power-voltage (QV)-based framework to evaluate the voltage instability sensitivities of power system buses to increase in renewable energy (RE) penetration has been developed using two sensitivity ... -
Recent Research on Teachers’ Preparedness in Integrating Information Communication Technologies in Public Primary Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya
(2020-07-21)This study investigated teachers’ preparedness in integrating ICTs in public primary teacher training colleges in Kenya. Integration of ICTs brings revolutionary changes in teaching methodologies. The innovation lies not ... -
A Reinforcement Learning-Based Multi-Agent System for Advanced Network Attack Prediction
(International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 2024)This paper addresses the challenges of traditional Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) in handling the increasing complexity and volume of modern cyberattacks. The authors suggest a novel multi-agent deep reinforcement ... -
Reinventing the wheel? African cooperatives in a liberalized economic environment
(2016)Cooperative development in Africa can be said to have traversed two main eras: the era of state control and that of liberalization. The first era lasted up to the early 1990s and saw the origin and substantial growth of ... -
Relating Cost Efficiency and Profitability of Merged Firms in the Kenyan Financial Services Industry
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2016)Theory holds that firms merge to benefit from economies of scale, diversification and synergy, which are realized through cost efficiency. Empirical studies on the other hand report mixed findings with regard to the ... -
The Relationship between Adoption of Coffee Certification Standards and Productivity in Nyeri County in Kenya
(Asian Online Journals, 2015-12)Standards have been applied as strategic tools to help organizations increase productivity, and improve competitive advantage. They facilitate free and fair global trade, enhance customer satisfaction through improved ... -
(Journal of Advance Research in Business Management and Accounting, 2021)Small and Medium Family-Owned Enterprises (SMFEs) are the engines of economic development through job creation and poverty reduction in any nation. Currently, the SMFEs sector in Kenya contributes over 70% of the country’s ... -
(International Academic Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018)In Kenya and across the globe, the proportion of commercial bank’s loans the agricultural sector relative to other sectors is generally low. This is despite the considerable financial intermediation opportunities resulting ... -
The relationship between mission and performance of Christian faith-based hotels in Kenya
(2022-05)The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the mission and Performance of Christian Faith-Based Hotels (CFBHs) in Kenya. Mission defines a significant long-term direction for the organization. There ... -
The Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Entrepreneurial Orientation And Performance Of Christian Faith Based Hotels In Kenya
(2019-10)The alliance between Christianity and entrepreneurship has had an immense impact on the Kenyan economic performance and thus the connection between economic development and Christianity activity cannot be underscored. ... -
The Relationship between Road Network Status and Performance of Tea Processing Industry in Murang’a County, Kenya
(International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp: (79-87), Month: May - August 2023, 2023)Most developed countries achieved their status through industrialization, shifting capital and labor from agriculture to manufacturing. Unfortunately, Kenya has seen a decline in manufacturing's contribution to ... -
The relationship between the marketing strategies and competitiveness of four and five star hotels
(2015-12)The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between the marketing strategies and competitiveness of four and five star hotels in Kenya. The results showed that the hotels adopted the 5 P’s marketing concept ... -
Remédiation des erreurs morphosyntaxiques du français chez les lycéens kenyans à travers une proposition didactique
(Revues de l'Acaref, 2020-11)Cette contribution relève d’une réflexion menée en vue de proposer la remédiation des erreurs nominales et grammaticales en français à travers l’emploi du Schéma modélisant de la Trame Méthodique Repères (TMR) de Laurens ... -
Removal of Phenol, Hydroquinone and 2-Naphthol from Aqueous Solutions Using Tertiary Amine Modulated Cornstarch
(2022-11)Phenolics are a family of chemical compounds with at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to aromatic group. The sources of phenolics pollutants in water are mainly chemical industries and pharmaceutical. They are ... -
Repellent Effects of Ocimum Suave Extracts and Compounds against Prostephanus Truncatus Horn
(2021-04-08)Insect pests cause significant loses to maize grains in storage. Larger grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus Horn) is one of the most important pests of stored maize. Synthetic pesticides are commercially available for ...