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Now showing items 258-277 of 1244
Data Mining Model for Predicting Student Enrolment in STEM Courses in Higher Education Institutions
(2016-11-11)Educational data mining is the process of applying data mining tools and techniques to analyze data at educational institutions. In this paper, educational data mining was used to predict enrollment of students in Science, ... -
Data Preparation for Machine Learning Modelling
(2022)The world today is on revolution 4.0 which is data-driven. The majority of organizations and systems are using data to solve problems through use of digitized systems. Data lets intelligent systems and their applications ... -
Deepening Market Integration In Kenya through Increased maize production
(2021-06)Market integration promotes effective market reform in developing countries. Where there is a of market integration, markets are competitive and there is no justification for costly government interventions designed to ... -
The dependency of bus voltage and frequency in load shedding
(2013)Load shedding schemes proposed in literature so far use voltage and frequency parameters separately. The individual consideration of these indices may not be reliable or effective, and may even lead to the over load shedding ... -
Desert Margins Program In Kenya: Integrated Socio-Economics Analysis Of Benchmark Sites
(2004)This paper presents socio-economic analysis of the Desert Margins Programme (DMP) benchmark sites in Kajiado and Makueni Districts in Southern rangelands, Marsabit District (Kalacha, Kargi, Korr and Ngurunit) and Turkana ... -
The Desert Margins Programme Approaches in Upscaling Best-Bet Technologies in Arid and Semi-arid Lands in Kenya
(2011)Kenya’s land surface is primarily arid and AQ1 semi-aridlands(ASALs)whichaccountfor84%ofthe totallandarea.TheDesertMarginsProgramme(DMP) inKenyahasmadesomecontributiontounderstanding which technology options have potential ... -
Design and Implementation of Resilient Cooperative Bait Detection Technique to Curb Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in MANETs Using DSR Protocol
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are unique type of wireless networks that are infrastructureless and with no centralised management. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. The nodes are free to join and leave the ... -
Design and Synthesis of Organic Molecular Models of Artificial Photosynthetic Reaction Center
(2016)A clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels is solar energy. For efficient use of solar energy to be realized, artificial systems that can effectively capture and convert sunlight into a usable form of energy ... -
Design optimization of a renewable hybrid energy system
(2013)This paper proposes the optimal design of a renewable hybrid energy system consisting of solar, wind energy with battery storage suitable for application in remote areas. The study investigates the possibility of reducing ... -
Designing and Development of Speech Database The Technical Review
(2011-01)The speech database is one of the crucial items used for the automatic speech recognition system (ASR System). The paper reviews numerous techniques to design and development speech databases for different purpose. The ... -
Designing of new proposed technique for lie Detection using EEG Signals
(2011-03)The proposed system is designed to make EEG database of criminals during the investigation by crime branch. System will be detecting the criminals on the bases of thought related to crime to be stored in brain, when the ... -
Detection of sweet potato viruses in Western Kenya, development of a multiplex PCR technique for simultaneous detection of major viruses and evaluation of medicinal plants for antifungal and antibacterial activities against the crop pathogens
(2011)Sweet potato is an important food crop worldwide since it is drought tolerant and acts as a famine relief crop. However, its production is limited by viral, fungal and bacterial infections. Lack of rapid and sensitive ... -
Detection of Visual Similarity Snooping Attacks in Emails using an Extended Client Based Technique
(2021-04)This paper provides an Extended Client Based Technique (ECBT) that performs classification on emails using the Bayessian classifier that attain in-depth defense by performing textual analysis on email messages and attachment ... -
Determinants and rates of land degradation: Application of stationary time-series model to data from a semi-arid environment in Kenya
(Springer, 2018-02)The causes of land degradation in the African drylands have been shown to vary. Some researchers consider climate to be the major contributor to degradation, with anthropogenic factors playing a minor role. Others reverse ... -
Determinants of Household Vulnerability to Food Insecurity: A Case Study of Semi-Arid Districts in Malawi
(2013)This paper looks at household vulnerability to food insecurity and its determinants in two semiarid districts in Malawi. A randomly selected sample of 200 households was interviewed. The descriptive statistics revealed ... -
Determinants of Insurance uptake in developing countries: Evidence from CIC insurance, Kericho Branch, Kenya.
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2017)Insurance plays a major role in the life of the humanity. The citizenry has gradually come to realize the necessity of insurance and these needs are unending as long as life exists. The purpose of this study was to ... -
Determinants of Performance of Innovative Integration Summer Flower Value Chain among Medium and Small-Scale Farmers Kenya.
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2024-07)The floriculture industry has undergone significant changes due to evolving global consumption patterns. While previous studies have primarily focused on large-scale production, there is a growing need to understand the ...