Browsing by Title
Now showing items 586-605 of 1244
Gaps in Guests and Managers Perceptions of The Marketing Strategies of Four and Five Star Hotels in Kenya
(2016)This study assessed guests’ and managers’ perceptions of the extent to which the marketing strategies of four and five star hotels in Kenya addressed the factors which influence the guests’ purchase decisions. The research ... -
GENCO Optimal Bidding Strategy and Profit Based Unit Commitment using Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization Illustrating the Effect of GENCO Market Power
(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2018)In deregulated electricity markets, generation companies (GENCOs) make unit commitment (UC) decisions based on a profit maximization objective in what is termed profit based unit commitment (PBUC). PBUC is done for the ... -
Gender Roles in Wetlands Conservation and Restoration in Murang’a County, Kenya
(2021-06)Women are the majority vulnerable in wetlands access and control, yet livelihood provisioning services bring her in direct contact with and control of wetlands on a daily basis. Murang’a County is majorly a patriarchal ... -
Gender vulnerability to climate variability and household food insecurity
(2011)Climate variability presents different challenges for men and for women in their efforts to ensure household food security. However, despitetheircentralrole, genderissueshavereceivedonly cursoryattentioninadaptation ... -
Gender, Leadership Style and Employee Engagement
(IOSR Journals, 2021-01)This study sought to establish the relationship between gender, leadership styles and teacher engagement in public secondary schools of Murang’a County, Kenya. A survey research design was used. A sample of 368 respondents ... -
Gender-Based Violence Influence on Workplace Environment of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Makina Market, Kibera Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya
(Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education, Vol.6, Iss.4, 2022 (pp. 43 - 61), 2022)The study aimed to assess the influence of gender-based violence (GBV) in the workplace environment of small and medium-sized enterprises in Makina, Nairobi County. It examined experiences of victims of Gender-Based Violence ... -
Gendered Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change in Makueni County, Kenya
(International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2024)Climate change is not gender neutral as its effects are not felt equally by men and women. Existing gender disparities result into gender differentiated vulnerabilities which in turn result into gender differentiated ... -
A General Overview of Information Technology and the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management in the Kenya Public Sector.
(Book publisher International, 2020-07)Main objective of the study was to establish factors affecting effectiveness of supply chain management in Kenyan public sector with, specific reference to the Ministry of Finance. The study’s specific objective is to ... -
Genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in Africa: methods used for Phase 1 of the AWI-Gen population crosssectional study
(2018-09-27)There is an alarming tide of cardiovascular and metabolic disease (CMD) sweeping across Africa. This may be a result of an increasingly urbanized lifestyle characterized by the growing consumption of processed and calorie-dense ... -
The global spread of misinformation on spiders
(ScienceDirect, 2022-08-22)In the internet era, the digital architecture that keeps us connected and informed may also amplify the spread of misinformation. This problem is gaining global attention, as evidence accumulates that misinformation may ... -
Governance and Challenges of Wildlife Conservation and Management in Kenya
(Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021)Wildlife in Kenya is both a national resource and a key source of revenue for the government. Wildlife and tourism are interdependent and essential sectors in Kenya’s socio-economic development agenda. This chapter reviews ... -
Grass reseeding technology as a means of rehabilitating degraded lands and improving livelihoods of agro-pastoral communities in semi-arid Kenya
(2011)Land degradation is a major problem in the semi-arid environments of Sub-Saharan Africa. Fighting land degradation is essential to ensure the sustainable and long-term productivity of the inhabited semi-arid lands. Cenchrus ... -
Grassroots Solutions for Global Challenges: The Role of Self-Help Groups in Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Change in Nyakach, Kenya
(American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation (AJMRI), 2024-03-22)The impact of climate change in developing countries such as prolonged droughts, flooding and erratic rainfall, among, other effects are increasingly driving agricultural-dependent households into deeper poverty each year. ... -
Greek parameters of nonlinear Black-Scholes equation
(2016)Derivatives are used in hedging European options against risks. The partial derivatives of the solution to either a variable or a parameter in the Black-Scholes model are called risk (Greek) parameters or simply the ... -
Grievance Resolution Mechanism on Employee Productivity: Commercial Banks in Bungoma County, Kenya
(2015-09)Motivation of employees has always been quantified in financial attributes. For productivity to occur then there is need for using non-financial motivational initiatives. This study purposed to analyze the role of motivational ... -
The Guidance and Counseling Interventions Given to Students Who Abuse Alcohol: Case of Kenyan Public Day Secondary Schools
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers), 2018-04)Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs among the youth in the world today and this is one of the reasons leading to poor performance by Kenyan secondary school students in national examinations. The purpose of this study ... -
Guidelines for emergency livestock off-take handbook
(2005)Kenya’s agricultural sector accounts for 20–30% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Of this, the livestock sector alone makes a contribution of about 50%. Thus, livestock contributes heavily to the GDP and food security ... -
Harnessing our ICT Skill Set and Research Efforts for Sustainable Development
(2022-06)For some time now, ICTs have become ubiquitous, making them a common place phenomenon in modern society. Almost all electronics are ICT enabled to date, with most people who can read and write having interacted with ICTs ... -
Health Insurance Deepening and Its Impact on Maternal Healthcare Demand in Private Hospitals in Kenya
(2020-09)Promotion of maternal healthcare services through the expansion of health insurance coverage has been a core strategy that has been adopted in the reduction of maternal and child mortalities in Kenya. In this study, we ...