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Now showing items 101-120 of 1244
Backpacker Tourism Concepts and Profiles
(2015-11-05)This is the second volume of the ongoing research programme on backpacking developed by the Backpacker Research Group (BRG) of the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS). The BRG aims to act as a platform ... -
Bacteria Contamination and Distribution in Patient Care Environment at Mbagathi Hospital Surgical and New-born Units
(2021-03)Background: Hospital environment can serve as an important reservoir and thus a critical element in the transmission of bacterial infections especially in critical care settings such as Surgical and new-born units. Contact ... -
Bacteriocins: Limiting Factors to Optimum Activity
(Science and Education Publishing, 2017)Bacteriocins are described as ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides lethal to bacteria other than the producing strain. They are the most abundant of antimicrobial compounds produced by bacteria. These antimicrobial ... -
Bacteriological Profile of Healthcare Workers and Patients’ Hands at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi Outreach Centres
(2021-03)Background: Hand hygiene is the precursor to improved health standards among healthcare workers and patients seeking outpatient services. Unhygienic hands may escalate the transmission of multi-drug resistance bacteria ... -
Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm With User Mobility Dynamics In FEMTOCELL Network
(Acta Press, 2014)Fourth generation cellular networks provide ubiquitous broadband access to a growing number of mobile users worldwide. In this context, resource allocation in orthogonal frequency division multiple access femtocell network ... -
Barriers to the Implementation of Food Safety and Hygiene Principles (HACCP) in TVET and University Hospitality Schools in Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM) ||Volume||06||Issue||07||Pages||EM-2018-544-556||2018||, 2018)The purpose of this study was to assess the barriers to food safety and hygiene principles (HACCP) in TIVET and University hospital schools in Kenya. A total of 671 respondents participated in the study (Comprising 249 ... -
(2015-11-05)Since the dawn of civilization, people have groped for answers to the basic economic questions of what, how, and for whom to produce. How people chose to answer these universal questions shaped the course of history, ... -
Beach Management Principles & Practice
(2015-11-05)T his book on beach management was wri�en in order to provide a counterbalance to the many excellent books associated with beach management that emphasize coastal engineering and the variety of techniques associated ... -
Beating Odds in Post Pandemic Times: Lessons from World Rally Championship 2021
(2022-06)The Novel Corona virus pandemic has brought unprecedented impacts on different sectors of economies in countries across the globe. Sports tourism being the worst hit. Sports tourism events are important vehicles of development ... -
Bedsediments organic matter and macroinvertebrate responses to changes in catchment land use along a low order tropical stream : Sagana River, Kenya
(2000)The hydrological, morphological and biological characteristics of a Kenyan low order mountain tropical stream were studied in order to assess the possible impacts of catchment land use changes from forestry to agriculture ... -
Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: The Impact of Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya
(2019-08)China’s Belt and Road has been billed as the single most significant undertaking by the country on the international stage. In Africa, Kenya is a core part of both the Maritime Silk Road and the Belt. The authors have ... -
The Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities and Risks for Africa’s Connectivity
(2019-01)This article examines the implications of the Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for Africa’s connectivity. The BRI seeks to rebuild the ancient Silk Road trade route with the overall goal of opening global markets, ... -
Beneficiation of Iron in Thermal-Reduced Ilmenite by Magnetic Separation
(International Journal of Science and Research, 2015)Increasing demands for Iron in countries development, and lack of conventional reducing agents has resulted into sourcing of alternative ways of beneficiating the iron ore. This paper reports on the study that was done ... -
Beneficiation of Iron in Thermal-Reduced Ilmenite by Magnetic Separation
(2013)Increasing demands for Iron in countries development, and lack of conventional reducing agents has resulted into sourcing of alternative ways of beneficiating the iron ore. This paper reports on the study that was done to ... -
Bioactive carbazole alkaloids from Alysicarpus ovalifolius (Schumach)
(CrossMark, 2015)Phytochemical and biological evaluation of the stem bark of Alysicarpus ovalifolius led to the isolation of three carbazole alkaloids identified as mohanimbine (1), koenimbine (2) and koenidine (3) along with quercetin ... -
Bioactive Constituents of Conyza floribunda
(Medwell Journals, 2010)The study describes the antibacterial and antifungal effects of both CH2Cl2 and MeOH crude extracts, collected fractions and pure isolates of Conzya floribunda. The antimicrobial activity tests were carried out using agar ... -
Biopesticidal Extractives and Compounds from Warburgia Ugandensis against Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais)
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2015)Agricultural production is constrained by insect pests, which cause serious post-harvest losses of up to 43% in developing countries. Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky.) is one of the most destructive pests of ... -
The black-Scholes formula and the Greek parameters for a nonlinear Black-Scholes equation
(2016)We study the Greek (risk) parameters of a nonlinear Black-Scholes partial differential equation whose nonlinearity is as a result of transaction costs. These parameters are derived from the Black-Scholes formula of the ... -
Bleisure typologies
(2022-07)The origin of tourism dates back to the end of the 18th century when the western tradition organized travels to support infrastructure and sight-seeing in the cities of ancient Greece and Rome. In the 21st century modern ... -
Blockchain as a Solution of Information Security and Data Privacy Issues: Review
(2022-08)The growth of technology has seen development of smart devices that are connected to each other giving rise to device-mesh technology. This has given rise to many owners of these devices sharing data through various web ...