Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1027-1046 of 1244
Science Self-Efficacy and Career Decision Making: A Study Among Secondary Students in Murang’a County, Kenya
(2022-11)Self-confidence in science enhances the pursuance of science-related fields. Low self-belief in students’ ability to perform in science subjects has been cited as a factor that has led to declined examination grades. ... -
Seasonal botanical and chemical composition of sheep and goat diets on a common range in Eastern Africa
(2001)The botanical and chemical composition, intake and digestibility of local sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hirtus) diets were evaluated over the wet (growing) and dry (dormant) seasons. Diet botanical composition was ... -
Seasonal energy extraction patterns by agropastoral herds in semiarid south-eastern Kenya
(2011)Primary energy extraction patterns by livestock under agropastoralism and ranching were investigated by the bite count method in semiarid south-eastern Kenya. Sward biomass for optimal energy intake by cattle was derived ... -
(SAVAP International, 2013-02)The purpose of this study was to establish the challenges that confront principals of secondary schools in Nyamira County in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey and questionnaires were employed to collect data. ... -
Secondary schools in a county in Kenya seem to be taking advantages of the cost sharing policy: Understanding its practice and implications
(IISTE, 2015)The study set out to research on parents’ views regarding the practice of cost sharing policy in secondary schools in Kenya in relation to form one entry items requirement and fee payment. This article reports on its ... -
Seedbed preparation influence on morphometric characteristics of perennial grasses of a semi-arid rangeland in Kenya
(2011)Semi-arid rangelands in Kenya are an important source of forage for both domestic and wild animals. However, indigenous perennial grasses notably Cenchrus ciliaris (African foxtail grass), Eragrostis superba (Maasai love ... -
Semi-Parametric Spatial Joint Modeling of HIV and HSV-2 among Women in Kenya
(2015-08)Several diseases have common risk factors. The joint modeling of disease outcomes within a spatial statistical context may provide more insight on the interaction of diseases both at individual and at regional level. Spatial ... -
Servant Leadership And Organization Performance Of Faith Based Self Help Groups In Kirinyaga County
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2022)Organization performance has attracted attention in profit and non-profit organizations. In the current sporadic, complicated and dynamic business environment the need for swift and accurate decision making cannot ... -
Service Charter and Its Moderating Effect on the Relationship Between Tangible Elements of Service and Student Satisfaction at Selected Public Universities in Keny
(Journal of Education and Practice Vol.10, No.21, 2019, 2019)In the last few years, Kenyan public universities have been faced with challenges of quality service delivery challenges. These challenges have in many occasions led to students’ unrests leading to disruption of studies ... -
Service Charter English
(2011) -
Service Charter Kiswahili
(2011) -
Sexuality Education:Promoting safer sexual behaviour among university students in Kenya
(Department of Education Foundations, Kenyatta University, 2016)Sex education has become a major concern in our universities that needs redress. Regardless of this, only few studies have been done on it. This paper seeks to review various studies done by researchers on safer sexual ... -
Shore to ship power for Mombasa port possibilities and challenges
(2016)Control of air pollution from docked ships is one challenge that ports encounter in their effort to reduce operational environmental impact. Ship-to-shore power has been identified as one technology to reduce emissions by ... -
Short term voltage stability analysis of an aggregated industrial load
(2010)Environmental constraints have limited expansion of transmission line networks. And with Power systems being operated close to their security limits, the likelihood of voltage collapses Occurring has increased [1]. In ... -
(International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2011)The trend today in Universities is emphasizing reputation and key performance indicators including ranking of universities as the population at large, goes for education in this technology driven orientation. New trends ... -
Silence as Communication: A Phenomenological Study of Cervical Cancer Patients and Caregivers in Kenya
(2019-02)Managing a serious diagnosis is a complex and challenging process thus effective communication is a critical aspect of cancer management. However, this has not been given the much needed emphasis. This study therefore ... -
Simulation of Trust-Based Mechanism for Enhancing User Confidence in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems
(2020-01)With the rapid development of mobile technology and subsequent mass adoption of mobile devices, mobile crowdsensing (MCS) has gained a lot of research attention. In MCS systems, trust is a key focus in the overall improvement ... -
The Single and Multiple Melodies: A Comparative Reading of Traditional and Contemporary Feminist Writing
(Forum for World Literature Studies, 2023-12)This article juxtaposes traditional and contemporary East African feminist narratives with reference to Nuruddin Farah’s From a Crooked Rib and Nadifa Mohamed’s Orchard of Lost Souls. Most feminist narratives in East Africa ... -
Single Axis Solar Tracking System
(2021-11)This paper is about the design and development of a microcontroller based solar tracking system. Solar energy is rapidly becoming an alternative means of electrical source in Kenya and all over the world and the solar ...