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Now showing items 621-640 of 1244
IJSET@2014 Page 707 Effects of Temperature on Ilmenite During Concentration of Iron in Laterites Using Charcoal and Separation using Magnetic Separation
(2014)Effect of temperature on ilmenite minerals found in laterites has been investigated. It was found that during reduction of iron minerals in laterites to magnetite using charcoal at temperatures of about 500-700oC, ilmenite ... -
Immovable cultural heritage
(2022-07)Cultural heritage expresses the way of life of a community over generations. It answers questions through research and archives of the remains of the past for scientific and historic purposes. Cultural heritage has survived ... -
Immunopathological effects of some Biomphalaria pfeifferi proteins against Schistosoma mansoni infection in BALB/c mice
(2019-04)Intestinal schistosomiasis remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in most parts of the world, despite decades of widespread chemotherapy use. The present study determined the intermediate host proteins expressing ... -
Impact of Asset Mix on Financial Performance of Registered Occupational Pension Schemes
(2017-08)The Pension scheme industry plays a crucial role in providing an employment income replacement upon the retirement of the working pensionable population. Retirement income accounts for 68% of the total income of retirees ... -
The impact of authentic leadership on employees' organizational citizenship behavior in Ethiopia public service
(2021-09)There has been an increased recognition that more attention needs to be paid to authentic leadership as it emphasizes positive psychological behavior. Organizational citizenship behavior is crucial in the public service, ... -
The impact of climate variability and extreme weather events on gender: Gender vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for improved household food security in Malawi
(2009)The challenge to achieving household food security is a combination of biological, physical, and social factors. However, social factors, gender in particular, have received a cursory attention in adaptation studies. ... -
Impact of Educational Robotic Activities on Secondary School Students’ Interest in Engineering Career Pathways
(2022-11)Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics related careers are important in preparing any nation for development. There has been low interest by the secondary school students in the STEM fields and as such teaching ... -
Impact of Energy Management in a Solar PV Microgrid
(2022-11)Fossil fuel accounts for a bigger percentage of primary energy sources in the world. Studies show that the world energy demand is on the rise but the real sources of fossil fuel decline each day. Major oil producing countries ... -
Impact of HIV/AIDS on Hotel Staff Productivity in Kenya: A Survey of Selected Hotels in North Coast
(2015)The gist of this paper was to find out how HIV/AIDS pandemic influence the productivity of employees in Kenya’s North Coast. Although major strides have been made by the government to prevent the scourge, it is evident ... -
Impact of Information and Communication Technology
(2013)The study was carried out to establish the impact of ICT on teaching in technical institutes in western Kenya. In order to achieve the rationale of this study, the following four specific research objectives were adopted: ... -
Impact of integrating large-scale DFIG-based wind energy conversion system on the voltage stability of weak national grids: A case study of the Nigerian power grid
(Elsevier, 2021-11)This paper investigates the impact of integrating large-scale Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)-based wind energy conversion system (WECS) on the voltage stability of the 52-bus, 330 kV Nigerian power grid. Indices ... -
Impact of Inventory Management on the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management Practices in the Public Sector, A Case Study of Ministry of Finance
(2015-03)The main objective of the study was to assess factors affecting the effectiveness of supply chain management practices in Kenyan public sector with, specific reference to the Ministry of Finance. The study’s specific ... -
The Impact of Kenya National Library Services (KNLS), Kisumu Provincial Mobile Library Services On Education in Kisumu County,Kenya.
(Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015-11-18)The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of KNLS Kisumu provincial mobile library services on education in Kisumu County. Qualitative research approach was used to conduct the study. Interviews were used ... -
Impact of Managerial Interventions on Process in implementing Information Systems for Higher Education Institutions in a developing country
(African Journal of Computing and Information Systems, 2017)Organizational Implementation of Information Systems Innovations (OIISI) Framework was developed in the context of University in Kenya and can be used to understand the implementation of Information Systems (IS) Innovations ... -
The Impact of Prior Exposure to Engineering Through the MUT Pre-College Course - A Case Study of Kangema Sub-County Secondary Schools
(2021-11)In Kenya, secondary schools have a great role in preparing learners for career progression. In order to realize industrial growth, it is important to prepare more students for careers in STEM. There is relatively little ... -
Impact of Rights Issue on Share Returns of Firms Listed on The Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
(IOSR Journal, 2017-08)The study establish the impact of rights issue on share returns of firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study adopted an event study methodology which attempted to establish the information content of rights ... -
(International Journal of social sciences and information technology, 2017)The main objective of this study was to find out the role of SACCOs in the eradication of poverty of the members’ among farmers in Muranga County. To successfully achieve the study objective the research was guided by the ... -
Impact of smallholder farmers’ welfare through participation in on-farm regional projects in East Africa
(Agrekon (Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa), 2019-08)This paper uses panel data from 1,160 smallholder farmers, especially participants and non-participants in twenty-three regional projects from five countries in East Africa – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. ... -
The Impact of the Novel Corona Virus in Education: Salient features learnt in Higher Institutions of learning, Kenyan perspective
(International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 9 No. 9 September 2021, 2021)The world was attacked by the Novel Coronavirus Virus which has been forcing the world into a series of changes in many fields one of them being education. This pandemic imposed new educational methods such as adopting ... -
Impact of the Principal’s Leadership Behaviour on Students’ academic Performance in Secondary Schools, Manga Division, Nyamira District, Nyanza Province
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2017-07)The central problem of this study was that despite the critical role played by the principal in secondary school management, students’ academic performance has persistently been poor. Factors leading to this dismal ...