Browsing by Title
Now showing items 885-904 of 1244
On Singular Cauchy Problem of Euler-Poisson- Darboux Equation
(2016)We solve the singular Cauchy problem of Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation. The Riemann function, a solution corresponding to the adjoint equation is calculated and it enables us to evaluate any solution at a point by the ... -
Online Campaign in Kenya: Implementing the Facebook Campaign in the 2013 General Elections
(2015-07)The study investigated the implementation of the Facebook campaign in general elections in Kenya. The study utilized the mixed methods sequential explanatory design. Quantitative data was drawn, followed by qualitative ... -
Onward and Return Migrations: Migrant Characters in Hisham Matars’ The Return (2017) and A Month in Siena (2019)
(2021-07)Migration scholars have divergent views concerning the experiences of migrant characters in foreign nations. The first group of scholars suggest that migrant characters are never settled and because of disarticulating ... -
Opportunities and challenges for smart grid communications
(2010)The current power grid is in the verge of being improved. Recent technological advances have made possible the creation of a new and improved grid known as the smart grid. Smart grid allows for better interaction between ... -
Optimal Battery Location for Minimizing the Total Cost of Generation in a Power System
(2020)Wind is one of the major and fast growing source of green energy in the world. However, it’s naturally variable and this reduces its percentage penetration in a power system because of costs associated with balancing ... -
Optimal Battery Sizing of a Grid-connected Residential Photovoltaic System for Cost Minimization using PSO Algorithm
(2019)This paper proposes a new optimization technique that uses Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in residential grid connected photovoltaic systems. The optimization technique targets the sizing of the battery storage system. ... -
Optimal location of TCSC and its use in congestion management
(2015)Over the last two decades, electricity demand has increased substantially while the expansion of generation and transmission network has been limited due to environmental and/or economic constraints of building new ... -
Optimal Placement of FACTS devices using voltage Stability Indices
(2016)Power System Voltage stability remains a major challenge for power utilities across the world. This research uses static load flow methods namely the voltage stability indices to come up with an optimal placement of FACTS ... -
Optimal siting and sizing of single SPV system in radial distribution network for loss reduction based on maximum power saving technique
(2016)This paper presents the optimal placement of aSPV (Solar Photovoltaic) system in thedistribution system using the backward and forward sweep method based on the analytical maximum power saving technique for the maximum ... -
Optimal Sizing and Placement of Solar Photovoltaic based DGs in the IEEE 9 bus system using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
(2018)Solar energy is one of the most commonly exploited renewable resource globally. Integration of power from solar to the main grid can either bring positive or negative impact which normally depends on their size and location. ... -
Optimal Switching Sequence using a Metaheuristic Algorithm for Feeder Reconfiguration
(International Research Publication House, 2018)Electrical energy is continuously lost due to resistance in the power system networks. Distribution system experience enormous power losses as compared to the rest of the network. Solutions that reduce distribution power ... -
Optimal under frequency load shedding using CUCKOO search wirh levy flight algorith for frequency stability improvement.
(2015)Frequency stability in a power system is very important as it determines the synchronous speed of electrical machines. Therefore it should remain within acceptable limits even when the system is disturbed. In order to ... -
Optimal under-voltage load shedding using cuckoo search with levy flight algorithm for voltage stability improvement
(2015)Voltage stability has become a serious threat of modern power system operation nowadays. To tackle this problem properly, load shedding is a countermeasure taken as a last resort. However, its consequences might result in ... -
Optimization of Germination Conditions Of Melia volkensii By Response Surface Methodology
(2016-09)Germination of Melia volkensii was modelled using response surface methodology (rsm) whereby second order models were developed and the associated response surfaces analyzed. The factors under investigation were soil pH, ... -
Optimization of Split-Plot Design in the Context of Mixture Process Variable Settings
(2021-04)In the presence of process variables, a mixture design has become well-known in statistical modeling due to its utility in modeling the blending surface, which empirically predicts any mixture's response and serves as the ... -
Optimized Trust-Based DSR Protocol to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in MANETs Using NS-3
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)MANETs Communication relies on special routing protocols that make security a challenging endeavor. MANETs are open to a range of active and passive attacks; black hole attack is an active attack affects the network layer. ... -
Optimizing Experiential Quality to Drive Positive Post-Consumption Behaviours in Kenyan Theme Parks
(African Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2024-05)Experience quality has become increasingly important, particularly for the theme park sector. This is because visitors' post-consumption behaviours are influenced by experiential quality, and this has an impact on theme ... -
Organic Solar Cells with Boron- or Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes in the P3HT : PCBM Photoactive Layer
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015-12-02)Either boron- or nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes (B- or N-CNTs) were incorporated in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells photoactive layer composed of poly(3 hexylthiophene) (P3HT) : (6,6)-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ... -
Organizational Implementation of Information Systems Innovations (OIISI) Framework was developed in the context of Universities in Kenya
(2016)Organizational Implementation of Information Systems Innovations (OIISI) Framework was developed in the context of Universities in Kenya and can be used to understand the implementation of Information Systems (IS) Innovations ... -
Otherness and Marginal Spaces: Beyond Politics and Race in Contemporary African Novels
(2021-07)Many postcolonial literary scholars associate otherness with political and racial marginalisation of groups. Indomitable postcolonial voices such as Frantz Fanon and Edward Said take this trajectory, thereby negating other ...