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Now showing items 1202-1221 of 1244
Uchanganuzi wa Ishara za Kisemiotiki zinazotumiwa katika Matangazo ya Biashara ya Kampuni ya Safaricom
(Mwanga wa Lugha, 2020)Maendeleo ya teknolojia yamebadilisha sura ya matangazo ya biashara hasa kupitia kwa vyombo vya habari. Makala haya yanaangazia jinsi matangazo hutumia lugha pamoja na ishara za kisemiotiki ili kuwashawishi watazamaji ... -
Uhalisia katika mashairi ya Kezilahabi (Dhifa)
(Eastern Africa Journal of Kiswahili (EAJK), 2022-08)Fasihi ni kioo cha maisha. Humulika jinsi jamii ilivyo kwa kuangazia masuala mbalimbali yanayoikumba. Waandishi wa kazi za fasihi huchota maudhui yao kutokana na matukio mbalimbali yanayoikumba jamii, nia yao ikiwa ni ... -
Under Voltage Load Shedding on a Modified IEEE 14-Bus System Using Hybrid ABC-PSO Algorithm for Voltage Stability Enhancement
(Elsevier, 2021-08)Voltage collapse tends to occur due to the voltage instability created during large faults. As a last resort, under-voltage load shedding (UVLS) is performed after all the available power operation and control mechanisms ... -
Under Voltage Load Shedding using Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithms for Voltage Stability Enhancement: A Review
(2020)Power blackouts are experienced globally, more so with increasing load demand and ageing infrastructure. The high failure rate of conventional and adaptive load shedding techniques is prevalent during multiple contingencies. ... -
Understanding Realities, Inequalities and Implications Associated With Policy and Practice in Form One Selection in Secondary Schools in Kenya
(BritishJournal Publishing, Inc., 2014)This article reports on the findings from a research study on form one selection in secondary schools in Kenya. The aim of the study was to identify issues and challenges associated with form one selection using quantitative ... -
Understanding the travel motivation among youth travelers in Kenya: the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ paradigm
(African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2017)The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that motivate youth travel in Kenya using the ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ paradigm of travel motivation. The study adopted a questionnaire survey ... -
(2010)This study explores the factors that motivate youth travel in Kenya using the ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ theory. This questionnaire survey involved 132 respondents aged between 15 and 32 years drawn from visitors to Nairobi National ... -
Understanding the types and causes of diabetes mellitus
(Biology Journal, 2018-01)Statistics show that the prevalence of diabetes among different populations around the globe has been gradually going up in the last few decades. The trend is indeed worrying, so much that the number of diabetes patients ... -
Use of Concept Map Scaffolds to Promote Adaptive E-Learning in Web-Based System
(2016)Scaffolds are a good method of implementing self-regulated learning. Use of prior knowledge makes the learner to understand a topic better. Learner adaptation enables a learner to be presented with content that matches ... -
The use of RC4 Encryption for Smart Meters
(2014)The electrical power grid is undergoing improvements and is being transformed to the Smart Grid. Smart Grid makes use of two way flow of power and information to better monitor, plan and control the electrical power grid. ... -
The use of RC4 Encryption to Provide Privacy for Smart Meters
(2018)The electrical power grid is undergoing improvements and is being transformed to the Smart Grid. Smart Grid uses two-way power and information flow to better monitor, plan and control the electrical power grid. Advanced ... -
The use of sociological methods to assess land-use change: A case study of Lambwe valley, Kenya
(2003)Land-use history, not readily available for most places, remains the weakest link in nearly all studies of historic vegetation change, in Africa as well as other places in the world. Notwithstanding, communities hold a ... -
The Use of Tiktok for Consumer Engagement by Select Beverage Companies in Nairobi
(African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research (AMJR) Special Issue I 2024, (68-81), 2024)This study explores the utilization of TikTok by select beverage companies in Nairobi for consumer engagement, aiming to identify factors influencing customer engagement on the platform. Drawing on the Diffusion of Innovations ... -
Using Feature Selection Methods to Discover Common Users’ Preferences for Online Recommender Systems
(2021-01)Recommender systems have taken over user’s choice to choose the items/services they want from online markets, where lots of merchandise is traded. Collaborative filtering-based recommender systems uses user opinions and ... -
Utilization Of Plant Extractives And Compounds For Sitophilus Oryzae (Rice Weevil) Management
(IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB), 2024-08)In stored crops, Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil) can cause damage of up to 80%, depending on the circumstances of storage. A vast variety of grains and seeds, including sorghum, wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, rice, and ... -
Validating Structural Metrics for BPEL Process Models
(River Publishers, 2020-10-28)Business process models tend to get more and more complex with age, which hurts the ease with which designers can understand and modify them. Few metrics have been proposed to measure this complexity, and even fewer have ... -
Value Chain Analysis of a Commercial Bank A Case of Equity Bank in Kenya
(2014)The banking industry has experienced a rapid growth in terms of profits, deposits and revenues during the President Mwai Kibaki’s era. This trend has triggered a lot of competition in the banking industry. Equity bank has ... -
The value of pastoralism in Kenya: Application of total economic value approach
(2019)The value of pastoralism practiced in Kenya is not well appreciated, even though it is said to be enormous. The available statistics tend to underestimate this value from the point of view of its contribution to the local ... -
Vers l'acquisition de la morphosyntaxe du français chez les lycéens nairobiens : perspectives sociolinguistiques et didactiques
(2018)Cette recherche pseudo-longitudinale privilégiant une approche sociolinguistique et didactique s’inscrit dans le domaine du développement de l’interlangue à travers l’analyse des erreurs morphosyntaxiques du français. Notre ...