Browsing by Title
Now showing items 747-766 of 1244
Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy and Students’ Self-Concept in Mathematics
(2016)Knowledge of mathematics as a tool for use in everyday life is important of any individual and society. In schools, it equips students with a unique and powerful set of skills to understand the world and also become ... -
The Kenya National Police Service burnout intervention strategies
(2018-07)The purpose of the paper is to determine the burnout intervention strategies among Police officers in Matungulu Sub County, Kenya. The target population for the study was the police officers (N=250) stationed in various ... -
Kenya Towards Mobile Virtue Network Operator: Opportunities and Challenges
(Management Science and Information Technology, 2016)This paper points to the necessity to conduct research on Kenya towards Mobile Virtue Network Operator in regard to Opportunities and challenges. The telecommunication and financial business model is shifting away from ... -
Kenya-China Trade in Manufactured Goods: A Competitive or Complementary Relationship?
(2021-03)Trade between Kenya and China has increased in recent years, with a significant increase in imports from China. This study’s objectives were to examine the nature of trade between Kenya and China in manufactured goods, ... -
Key Generation for Electrical Smart Meters using Hash Functions
(2019)The electrical power grid has been undergoing improvements to turn it into a more efficient system known as the Smart Grid. A key element in this upgrade is the Smart Meter. A compromise on the cyber-security of the smart ... -
Key performance indicators for manufacturing safety in paint manufacturing: A case of kenyan industry.
(2015)Manufacturing safety is a key priority in the success of any business, as it can affect both the present and future competitive position of an organization. Organizations must measure ... -
Knowledge Management As A Tool For Employee Retention In Saccos
(2018-03)The environment in which organizations operate has clearly changed from predictability to uncertainty. Organizations want more from the best workers than their presence and their retention. In the co-operative sector, ... -
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Nutrition and Influencing Factors among Pregnant and Lactating Women in Kigeme Refugee Camp, Rwanda
(2020-06)This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practices towards nutrition and influencing factors among pregnant and lactating women. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in Kigeme ... -
(2017)The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of laissez-faire leadership style on organizational commitment as moderated by employee participation in technical institutions in Kenya. The study population was all ... -
Land access and outmigration in densely populated areas of rural Kenya Land access and outmigration in densely populated areas of rural Kenya
(2021-02)One of the key drivers of youth migration of inequitable distribution of land which denies them access to work environment. Youths hold limited small land sizes even when they migrate and this limits there involvement in ... -
Land degradation in the semi-arid environments of Sub-Saharan Africa.
(2016)Land degradation is a major problem in the semi-arid environments of Sub-Saharan Africa. Fighting land degradation is essential to ensure the sustainable and long-term productivity of the habited semiarid lands. In Kenya, ... -
Land use effects on termite assemblages in Kenya
(Heliyon, 2021)Termites perform key ecological functions and they also cause crop damage. Land use change resulting from agricultural intensification can result in changes in termite species diversity and abundance. Termite species occurring ... -
Land-snail faunas of afromontane forests of Mount Kenya, Kenya: ecology, diversity and distribution patterns
(Blackwell Science Ltd, 2001)Aims To (1) describe the distribution patterns of land-snails occurring in afromontaneforest habitats on Mount Kenya, in relation to elevation and aspect; (2) explore therelations between the land-snail faunas and environmental ... -
Land-Use Change and Livestock Production Challenges in an Integrated System: The Masai-Mara Ecosystem, Kenya
(2009)Participatory rural appraisal techniques and a survey of 100 households were used to evaluate livestock production, and pastoral development of the Maasai in Mara. It was observed that patterns of land-use have principally ... -
Language and Ideologies: A Critical Analysis of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) During the Transition From 8-4-4 to the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2023-08)This study utilises a critical analysis approach to investigate the language and discursive strategies employed in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) during the transition from the 8-4-4 system to the ... -
LC-MS/MS als Methode zur Detektion und Quantifizierung der Inhaltsstoffe in Kaffee
(2017-01)Coffee is the most popular soft drink in the world. Two botanical species of coffee are important for the world market and differ not only in their area of cultivation but also their components. Coffee contains more than ... -
LCMS Analysis of Biochemical Composition in Different Kenyan Coffee Classifications
(Food Science and Quality Management, 2017)Kenyan coffee is classified by defects after grading by the ‘Devonshire method.’ The method involves classification of the coffee beans into different classes based on the raw and roasted coffees and cup quality, with class ... -
Leadership and Strategic Plans Implementation: Comparative Study between Amica and Mentor Saccos in Murang’a Town
(2020-07)Strategic planning is one of the functions of top management concerned with choices, deeds, and findings which result in the identification, analyzing, generation, and implementation of long-term roadmaps or blueprints ... -
Learn from Hong Kong
(The Daily Nation, 2021-09-22)