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Now showing items 603-622 of 1244
Harnessing our ICT Skill Set and Research Efforts for Sustainable Development
(2022-06)For some time now, ICTs have become ubiquitous, making them a common place phenomenon in modern society. Almost all electronics are ICT enabled to date, with most people who can read and write having interacted with ICTs ... -
Health Insurance Deepening and Its Impact on Maternal Healthcare Demand in Private Hospitals in Kenya
(2020-09)Promotion of maternal healthcare services through the expansion of health insurance coverage has been a core strategy that has been adopted in the reduction of maternal and child mortalities in Kenya. In this study, we ... -
Hepatitis E Virus Prevalence Amongst Blood Donors in Kenya
(2022-10-01)Introduction: Hepatitis E (HEV) is an emerging cause of viral hepatitis mainly transmitted through the fecal-oral and parenteral routes. It has greatly affected populations in many parts of Kenya due to declined sanitation ... -
Herbal Extracts Exhibit Anti-Epilepsy Properties
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 2024-11)Epilepsy refers to a group of persistent neurological illnesses characterized by seizures. It is a chronic brain disease that affects 50 million people in the world, being one of the most common neurological disorders. ... -
The Heterogeneity and Prevalence of ABO and RH D Antigens in the Voluntary Blood Donors of Kenya
(2017-09)Blood groups (antigens) are proteins, glycoproteins or glycolipids inherited surface markers on the red blood cell membranes, which determine the blood phenotypes of human beings. There are 36 blood group systems with over ... -
High luminescent L-cysteine capped CdTe quantum dots prepared at different reaction times
(2017-07)This paper reports a facile synthesis route of high luminescent L-cysteine capped CdTe quantum dots (QDs). The effect of reaction time on the growth mechanism, optical and physical properties of the CdTe QDs was investigated ... -
Hindrances to Women Advancing to Principals’ Decision Making Positions in Secondary Schools in Kenya: Evidence of Convergence and Divergence Views among Current Male and Female Principals
(American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018)The study set out to investigate the views of current female and male secondary school principals regarding barriers or hindrances to women teachers becoming secondary school principals in a County in Kenya. The study ... -
Historical Development of Land Disputes and Their Implications on Social Cohesion in Nakuru County, Kenya
(2020-10)Globally, land related conflicts have deep social implications; they lead to deaths, hate, intimidations, tensions, dislocations and displacements of many people from their homes, thereby adversely affecting social cohesion ... -
Hospitality Employment; Policies and Practices in Hotels in Kenya
(Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2015-11-18)A study on Kenya’s hospitality industry indicates that, about 64 percent of jobs are either semi skilled or unskilled. This comprises of about 6 percent in managerial, 8 percent in supervisory, 22 percent with craft while ... -
Household Data Collection for Socio-Economic Research in Agriculture: Approaches and Challenges in Developing Countrie
(2009)In this article, household data collection procedures for socio-economic research in agriculture under conditions prevalent in developing countries are described. Using relevant examples for Kenya, the sources and types ... -
Household food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons from Kenya
(1997)Food security is one of the most challenging issues in sub-Saharan Africa which has continued to generate debate. Literature abounds showing that Africa is the only region in the world where per capita food production has ... -
Human Elements and their Influence on Student Satisfaction at Selected Public Universities in Kenya
(Human Elements and their Influence on Student Satisfaction at Selected Public Universities in Kenya, 2019)The number of higher education seekers has been increasing globally and in particular this sector has been the fastest growing industry in Kenya. The demand for higher education has been amplified by the liberalization ... -
Human Resource Management Practices and Firm Effectiveness of Consumer Goods Manufacturing Firms In Kenya
(2016)Manufacturing sector is salient to the Kenyan economy, with a total workforce of 13% in the formal sector and 1.4 million labour-force in the informal sector. Despite the significance, its contribution to the regional ... -
Human Resource Management Practices and Firm Effectiveness of Consumer Goods Manufacturing Firms In Kenya
(Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2016)Manufacturing sector is salient to the Kenyan economy, with a total workforce of 13% in the formal sector and 1.4 million labour-force in the informal sector. Despite the significance, its contribution to the regional ... -
Hydrologic properties of grazed perennial swards in semiarid southeastern Kenya
(2009)Identification of plant resources that persist under grazing pressure, support desirable levels of production and at the same time protect the grazing environment is central to sustainable livestock production. This study ... -
IJSET@2014 Page 707 Effects of Temperature on Ilmenite During Concentration of Iron in Laterites Using Charcoal and Separation using Magnetic Separation
(2014)Effect of temperature on ilmenite minerals found in laterites has been investigated. It was found that during reduction of iron minerals in laterites to magnetite using charcoal at temperatures of about 500-700oC, ilmenite ... -
Immovable cultural heritage
(2022-07)Cultural heritage expresses the way of life of a community over generations. It answers questions through research and archives of the remains of the past for scientific and historic purposes. Cultural heritage has survived ...