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Now showing items 1218-1237 of 1244
Validating Structural Metrics for BPEL Process Models
(River Publishers, 2020-10-28)Business process models tend to get more and more complex with age, which hurts the ease with which designers can understand and modify them. Few metrics have been proposed to measure this complexity, and even fewer have ... -
Value Chain Analysis of a Commercial Bank A Case of Equity Bank in Kenya
(2014)The banking industry has experienced a rapid growth in terms of profits, deposits and revenues during the President Mwai Kibaki’s era. This trend has triggered a lot of competition in the banking industry. Equity bank has ... -
The value of pastoralism in Kenya: Application of total economic value approach
(2019)The value of pastoralism practiced in Kenya is not well appreciated, even though it is said to be enormous. The available statistics tend to underestimate this value from the point of view of its contribution to the local ... -
Vers l'acquisition de la morphosyntaxe du français chez les lycéens nairobiens : perspectives sociolinguistiques et didactiques
(2018)Cette recherche pseudo-longitudinale privilégiant une approche sociolinguistique et didactique s’inscrit dans le domaine du développement de l’interlangue à travers l’analyse des erreurs morphosyntaxiques du français. Notre ... -
“Vers l’acquisition de la morphosyntaxe verbale en FLE chez les lycéens kenyans en deuxième année du cycle secondaire kenyan aux comptes de Nairobi et Kiambu
(Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa, 2016-11)Cet article se veut une contribution de l’apport des recherches transversales sur l’acquisition de la morphosyntaxe du Français en classe du français langue étrangère (FLE) auprès des lycéens en deuxième année du cycle ... -
Visionary Leadership And Service Delivery In National Government Constituency Development Fund In Kenya.
(International Journal of Novel Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2024)The study aimed to explore the impact of visionary leadership on the delivery of services in the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) of Kanduyi, Kenya. It utilized a descriptive research design and focused on 2,977 employees ... -
Visitor Profile: Shaping Experiential Quality, and Post-Consumption Behaviours in Kenyan Theme Parks
(African Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2024-05)Visitor experiences are individual occurrences characterized by their subjective nature. As a result, each consumer has a unique perspective on the quality of experience depending on their visitor profiles. The literature ... -
Voltage profile improvement using switched capacitors: case of single wire earth return distribution network
(2017)Most rural areas in Africa are characterized by scattered villages with a very low demand in electricity. Due to improper planning and lack of knowledge on low cost technologies, the cost of extending the grid to supply ... -
Voltage Stability Analysis and Improvement of Power System With Increased SCIG-based Wind System Integration
(2020)This paper presents voltage stability analysis and improvement of power system when there is increase in wind power penetration. Loading parameter-Voltage curve was used to calculate the loadability and the megawatt margin ... -
Voltage stability analysis using CP_ANN and optimized capacitor bank placement
(2010)Voltage Stability refers to the ability of power system to maintain steady voltage at all buses in the system after being subjected to a disturbance from a given initial operating condition. In this paper, the IEEE 30-bus ... -
Voltage stability assessment and enhancement of power grid with increasing wind energy penetration
(Elsevier, 2020-03)This paper presents the voltage stability assessment of power system with increasing wind energy penetration. The effects of increasing Doubly-Fed Induction Generator-based Wind Energy Conversion System (DFIG-WECS) penetration ... -
A Voltage Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
(2021-11)As the global demand for energy rises, power system networks are teetering on the verge of collapsing owing to a compromise in system stability. During system disturbances, the network's inability to supply adequate reactive ... -
Voltage Stability Enhancement of the Uganda Power System Network
(IEEE, 2021-08)The unprecedented growth in demand and drive towards deregulation has brought about a complex and constantly changing grid. More so, with the current environmental and economic pressures, there's a reported growing number ... -
Voltage stability improvement on optimal placement of facts devices
(2016)Voltage stability challenge in power systems remains one of the major concerns in system planning and operation. The ability of a power system to maintain acceptable voltage levels at all buses in the system under normal ... -
Volume of Deposits, A determinant of Total Long-term Loans Advanced by Commercial Banks in Kenya: Case of Bungoma County.
(2015-12)Commercial banks have exponentially increased their total loans advanced over the period 2002- 2013. However commercial banks in Kenya have shown varying long term lending behavior. The main objective of this study was to ... -
Wagar and Motley “Archaic” Vestiges: A Postmodernist Reading of Contemporary Somali Fiction
(Literature Association of South Africa and Unisa Press., 2022)The advent of the modernist dream resulted in the universalisation of culture, which entails deliberate effort to abandon traditional ways of life that foster difference and instead embracing national cultures to bring ... -
Warburgia Ugandensis: A Review of Compounds and Bioactivity
(2023-07)Warburgia species (Canellaceae) are traditionally used to treat a wide range of illnesses including stomach ache, diarrhea, abdominal pains, toothache, oral thrush, venereal diseases, cold and cough, fever, muscle pains, ... -
The Water Cycle
(Mwanaka Media and Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2018) -
Water Pricing Option for Efficient Irrigated Maize Production in Kenya
(2021-08)Due to water scarcity and unreliable rainfall regimes, irrigation plays an important role in the production of food worldwide. Farmers’ willingness to pay, Scarcity and opportunity cost of water, as well as financing are ...