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Now showing items 5-24 of 1244
Accelerating Research in Africa through Sustainable Virtual Research Communities
(2012)Despite the commendable efforts by African NRENs to interconnect universities and research institutions, research capacity in Africa is still a major challenge. In particular African universities and research institutions ... -
Access to health information for persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya
(African Journal of Social Work, 11(4), 172-181., 2021)This study explores the effectiveness of media in promoting access to COVID-19 health information in Kenya. The focus will be on how persons with disabilities accessed COVID-19 information through television within the ... -
Activity concentrations of 40K, 232Th, 226Ra and radiation exposure levels in the Tabaka soapstone quarries of the Kisii Region, Kenya
(2015-11-18)A radiological study was carried out in the soapstone quarries of Tabaka region of Kisii district in the Southern Nyanza province, Kenya, where soapstone has been mined and used as a carving medium for hundreds of years. ... -
Activity concentrations of 40K, 232Th, 226Ra and radiation exposure levels in the Tabaka soapstone quarries of the Kisii Region, Kenya
(African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2011)A radiological study was carried out in the soapstone quarries of Tabaka region of Kisii district in the Southern Nyanza province, Kenya, where soapstone has been mined and used as a carving medium for hundreds of years. ... -
Adaptive Neuro - fuzzy Inference system based control of three - phase hybrid power filter for harmonic mitigation
(nternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2015-11-25)This paper presents a three-phase hybrid powerfilter based on artificial intelligence control approach. It consists of C- type passive filter in parallel with a shunt active filter that is controlled by an adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy ... -
An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Detection and Correction of Illegal Power Connection in Kenya
(Energy and Power, 2021)In this research, an adaptive method for illegal power connection detection and correction in domestic distribution is presented. The focus is on a domestic supply at the meter box. Illegal power connection has been a ... -
Adjusting Academic Library Services to Covid 19 Prevention Protocols
(2021-11)The Covid 19 pandemic has presented challenges in the provision of library services in academic libraries. The pandemic has affected the mode of library operations and therefore librarians had to shift to virtual library ... -
Admission into Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: Understanding Parental Preferential Limitations
(MCSER Publishing, 2015)This article reports on the findings of a study that set out to investigate parents’ preference of secondary schools that their children joined for form one in 2015. The study adopted a quantitative survey approach involving ... -
Adoption of Digital Technologies as a Driver for Cost Leadership Strategy in Tour Firms within Nairobi City County, Kenya
(African Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2024-04)Digital technologies play a major role in reducing the cost of operations in tour firms. The main focus of the study was to find out the adoption of digital technologies as a driver of cost leadership strategy in tour firms ... -
Adoption of green marketing practises by hotels in Mombasa County, Kenya
(2015)This study examined adoption of green marketing practises by hotels in Mombasa County, Kenya. To better understand this subject, the study sought to achieve three specific objectives; to determine the drivers for adoption ... -
Advances in composite integer factorization
(2015-11-18)In this research we propose a new method of integer factorization. Prime numbers are the building blocks of arithmetic. At the moment there are no efficient methods (algorithms) known that will determine whether a given ... -
Advances in composite integer factorization
(2013)In this research we propose a new method of integer factorization. Prime numbers are the building blocks of arithmetic. At the moment there are no efficient methods (algorithms) known that will determine whether a given ... -
Advances in Tourism Economics
(2015-11-03)With the advent of rising mobility and leisure time together with a structural ten- dency for declining airfares, tourism has become a sector of major significance in modern economies. There is a wealth of literature on the ... -
Adventure Tourism
(2015-11-03)Adventure tour operations change continually, and certainly faster than any one author can keep checking them. Information in the case studies and elsewhere in this volume has been compiled from a variety of written and ... -
Advertising in Tourism and Leisure
(2015-11-03)Advertising bombards us every day – from commercials on television and radio, to advertising on buses and billboards, in magazines and on the Internet – and there is an increasing amount of advertising masquerading as ... -
The African elephant and food security in Africa: experiences from Baringo District, Kenya
(2014)Elephants often impose costs on the people who share their range, including threats to life and the destruction of property. Incidences of conflict between humans and elephants, in particular crop destruction crops are ... -
African spider (Araneae) type specimens in the collection of the National Museums of Kenya
(2014-01)Type specimens of four species of spiders belonging to two families are held in the collection of the Invertebrate section of the Zoology Department of the National Museums of Kenya. These specimens comprise two holotypes ... -
(2013)There various algorithms that can factor large integers but very few of these algorithms run in polynomial time. This fact makes them inefficient. The apparent difficulty of factoring large integers is the basis of some ...