Browsing by Title
Now showing items 908-927 of 1244
Panacea or Pacifier. Faith-Based Perspective on the Management of Cattle Rustling among Pastoral Communities in Kenya
(2022-09)The research study focused on the state and non-state policies employed to manage cattle rustling among pastoral communities in Kenya. The general objective was an evaluation of the interface between state and non-state ... -
Parental Career Support as a Correlate of Career Decision Making Among Secondary Students in Muranga County, Kenya
(2022-07-07)The ability to decide on a career is an important decision made by students while at secondary school level, the choice determining future engagement in the world of work. Studies in Kenya have identified fewer secondary ... -
A particular solution of a nonlinear black-scholes partial differential equation
(2016)We study a nonlinear Black-Scholes partial differential equation whose nonlinearity is as a result of transaction costs that lead to market illiq- uidity. After reducing the equation into a nonlinear parabolic porous ... -
Pastoral production system
(2002) -
(2015)This paper points to the necessity to conduct research on the pedagogical readiness of instructors towards achieving integration of ICT’s in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in ... -
Perceived Destination Image and Post-Visit Behaviour: An International MICE Visitors’ Perspective
(African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 10(2):472-486., 2021)Africa including Kenya has continued to suffer negative images due to stereotypes, prejudice, and negative reporting by international media. This has continued to negatively affect the continents' share of the global leisure ... -
Perception of proposed preliminary food-based dietary guidelines for Lake Victoria region of Kenya: findings from a qualitative study among adult community members
(2022-06)Background: Diets in the Lake Victoria region of Kenya have been described as monotonous, consisting chiefly of starchy staple foods, accompanied by green vegetables and oil. To promote healthy eating in the region, 11 ... -
Perceptions of tourism students towards career choice in the Kenyan tourism industry: a comparative study of Moi University and Kenya Utalii College
(2015)A number of researches investigating on tourism students’ career choices and course of study selection have been widely documented. However, few studies have been carried out focusing on the process and context in which ... -
The perfect drought? Constraints limiting Kalahari agro-pastoral communities from coping and adapting
(African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2011)Rural Kalahari agro-pastoral communities of Southern Africa have been exposed to drought shocks throughout history and have adapted their livelihoods accordingly. Yet, drought continues to disrupt or threaten to disrupt ... -
Performance In Mechanical Technology In Examinations In TVET Kenya
(2012)The graduates from Technology education institutions (Technical Training Institutes and national Polytechnics) have contributed a lot to the industrial growth and the ‘Jua kali’ sectors. The diploma and certificates which ... -
The performance of Husani dairy goats under water restriction in the arid western lowlands, Eritrea
(Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 1999)Eighteen adult Husani female goats of approximately equal age and body weight, and in their late pregnancy were purchased from Eritrean western lowlands. They were randomly assigned to three watering regimes (treatments): ... -
Performance review of the VSC-HVDC based controllers
(2016)The Voltage Source Converters, High Voltage Direct Current (VSC-HVDC) system is the most preferred alternative technology for transmission and distribution of electrical power due to its intrinsic distinctiveness in ... -
Performance Study of Path Loss Models at 14, 18, and 22 GHz in an Indoor Corridor Environment for Wireless Communications
(2021-03)The critical rule to achieve extremely high peaks of data transmission is the availability of a tremendous amount of bandwidth. The super high frequency (SHF) and the millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands are the ... -
Perspectives of Teacher Trainees’ Preparedness and Adoption on Integration of ICT in Public Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya
(IJIER, 2020-09)This study was concerned with perspectives of student teacher trainees’ preparedness and adoption on integration of ICTs in public teacher training colleges. Effective preparedness and adoption on integration of ICTs ... -
(2016)Naromoru is a semiarid area in Central Kenya, occurring on the leeward side of Mt. Kenya. Its water sources include a few permanent rivers such as Nairobi River, intermittent streams and a large number of undrainable ... -
Phytoecdysteroids from the Stem Bark of Vitex doniana and Their Anti-Inflammatory Effects
(Georg Thieme Verlag, 2012-10)With reference to the ethnopharmacological significance of Vitex doniana Sweet (Lamiaceae) leaves in the treatment of stomach and rheumatic pains as well as inflammatory disorders, biological studies on its stem bark ... -
Placement of fact devices fo voltage profile improvement and loss reduction
(2015)Abstract— Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices are solid state converters that have the capability of controlling various electrical parameters such as reactance, power angle and ... -
Plant Extracts and Terpenes with Antivenom Properties
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 2024-03-16)Envenoming and snakebite mortality are a significant public health concern in rural tropical areas in developing countries due to limited access to healthcare. Anti-snake venom (ASV) is the most effective counter measure ... -
Policy and Governance in Natural Resource Management
(2010)The complex and dynamic interlinks between natural resource management (NRM) and development have long been recognized by national and international research and development organizations and have generated voluminous ... -
Power factory load flow sensitivity analysis of an induction motor load model
(2010)Power factory Load flow sensitivity is a method used to obtain certain relationship between dependent and independent variables using differential relationship among physical measure in systems. Voltage sensitivity analysis ...