The moderating effect of the political commitment on the relationship between strategic management approach and performance of county governments in Kenya
This study was to appraise the effect of political commitment on performance of county governments in Kenya. Questionnaire was the data collection instrument used to collect primary data from seven counties identified by the researcher as the best performing counties out of the 47 counties of Kenya. The study was carried out on Seven Regions of Kenya where the Researcher picked on the best performing County from each region. The Seven Counties under scope are: Machakos, Kakamega, Murang’a, Migori, Kilifi, Nakuru and Nairobi. Specifically, the study sought to determine the moderating effect of the political commitment on the relationship between strategic management approach and performance of county governments in Kenya. Correlation research design was used across the selected seven counties.. Questionnaire was used to collect data using drop and pick method. Descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, standard deviation and inferential statistics, namely; regression analysis and correlation analysis were further used as a test of study hypotheses. It was established that political commitment had an insignificant moderating effect in the relationship between strategic management approach and the performance of county governments in Kenya. However, positive relationship was reported between the moderating variable, political commitment and the performance of county governments. The findings articulated that political commitment significantly affected the performance of county governance. From the findings, the study concludes that County government managers should pursue good relationships with the politicians to improve on their perception of political commitment.
- Journal Articles (BE) [326]