Quick Response Code Security Attacks and Countermeasures: A Systematic Literature Review
A quick response code is a barcode that allows users to instantly access information via a digital device.
Quick response codes store data as pixels in a square-shaped grid. QR codes are prone to cyber-attacks. This assault
exploits human vulnerabilities, as users can scarcely discern what is concealed in the quick response code prior to
usage. The aim of the study was to investigate Quick Response code attack types and the detection techniques. To
achieve the objective, 50 relevant studies published between the year 2010 and 2024 were identified.The articles were
obtained fromthe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Elsevier, Springer, Science Direct,Wiley,Association
of Computing Machinery, and Google Scholar. From the study, Quick Response-Quick Response attacks, Quick
Response code payment attacks, Quick Response code counterfeiting, and QR code information leakage have been
identified as potential Quick Response code security threats. Barcodes can be maliciously used to run different attacks
such as phishing, pharming, malware propagation, cross-site scripting, and Structured Query Language/command
injection and reader applications attacks. To mitigate against Quick Response code attacks, various techniques such as
cryptographic schemes, machine learning, artificial intelligence, two-factor authentication, One-time password, and
mutual authentication schemes have been used. Users must remain vigilant when scanning Quick Response codes
and take steps to verify their legitimacy. More research is needed to develop automated detection techniques that can
authenticate QR codes and detect malicious URLs or malware in real time.
- Journal Articles (CI) [116]