Browsing Journal Articles (CI) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 116
A 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system for preeclampsia management in antenatal care
(Elsevier, 2019-06)The burden of preeclampsia has been a major concern worldwide both in developed and developing countries, making its prevention and management a major concern. Although motherhood is a fulfilling experience in society, it ... -
Advances in composite integer factorization
(2013)In this research we propose a new method of integer factorization. Prime numbers are the building blocks of arithmetic. At the moment there are no efficient methods (algorithms) known that will determine whether a given ... -
(2013)There various algorithms that can factor large integers but very few of these algorithms run in polynomial time. This fact makes them inefficient. The apparent difficulty of factoring large integers is the basis of some ... -
Analysis of the Problem Internet Use (PIU) Among Adolescents in Kenyan Schools
(IISTE, 2019-10)There has been a rapid growth in internet use in Kenya. Adolescents are the highest users of internet in the country. This puts adolescents at risk of becoming addictive internet users. Adolescent internet use has also ... -
Application of Real-Time Deep Learning in integrated Surveillance of Maize and Tomato Pests and Bacterial Diseases
(Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, 2024-01)With an emphasis on maize and tomato crops specifically, this research explores the creative fusion of computer vision (CV) and machine learning (ML) to address the enduring problem of pests and crop diseases impacting ... -
An Appraisal of Financial Management Practices on the Growth of Micro Enterprise in Kenya
(Journal of Business and Economic Development, 2017)Governments in different parts of the world are increasingly promoting and supporting the growth of Micro and Small enterprises as part of their overall national development strategy. The sector plays an important role ... -
Architecture of Deep Learning Algorithms in Image Classification: Systematic Literature Review
(International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT), 2023)The development of deep learning algorithms has led to major improvements in image classification, a key problem in computer vision. In this study, the researcher provide an in-depth analysis of the various deep learning ... -
An Assessment of Suitable and Affordable Smart armband for preeclampsia Management in Antenatal Care
(2019-06)Blood pressure is one of the measurements that is taken during antenatal care visits. Though motherhood is a fulfilling experience in the society, it is connected to ill-health and even death in some women leading to ... -
Automated Feature Extraction from UML Images to Measure SOA Size
(2020-07)Enormous development has been experiences in the field of text and image extraction and classification. This is due to large amount of image data that is generated as a result of document sharing for collaborative software ... -
Automatic Debugging Approaches: A literature Review.
(2017)Fixing failed computer programs involves completing two fundamental debugging tasks: first, the programmer has to reproduce the failure; second, s/he has to find the failure cause. Software debugging is the process of ... -
Automatic Speech Recognition and Verification using LPC, MFCC and SVM
(2015-10)Speech has much capability as an interface between human and computer which comes under the Human Computer interaction (HCI). The major challenge has been the nature of voice is ever varying speech signal. The paper presents ... -
Blockchain as a Solution of Information Security and Data Privacy Issues: Review
(2022-08)The growth of technology has seen development of smart devices that are connected to each other giving rise to device-mesh technology. This has given rise to many owners of these devices sharing data through various web ... -
Challenges in achieving interoperability in distributed systems: a survey of literature
(2012)As need for collaboration and distributed systems among organizations increase, there is the challenge of different standards in almost all communication issues. This calls for scrutiny of systems used by different ... -
Cloud Data Privacy Preserving Model for Health Information Systems Based on Multi Factor Authentication
(2020-09)With cloud computing (CC) becoming popular in recent years, variety of institutions, organizations, businesses and individual users are creating interest. They are adopting the technology in order to take advantage of ... -
Cluster Head Selection Algorithms for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systematic Literature Review
(2022-06)The extension of the sensor node's life span is an essential requirement in a Wireless Sensor Network. Cluster head selection algorithms undertake the task of cluster head election and rotation among nodes, and this has ... -
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms Accuracy for Maize Leaf Disease Identification
(2022-03)The number of data points predicted correctly out of the total data points is known as accuracy in image classification models. Assessment of the accuracy is very important since it compares the correct images to the ones ... -
Comparative Analysis on the Evaluation of the Complexity of C, C++, Java, PHP and Python Programming Languages based on Halstead Software Science
(International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 2023-03)Quality plays center stage in any software development industry. Software metrics have proven over time as the best measure to be used to assess and assure the software developers of the quality of their products. Halstead ... -
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning in Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
(2022)Computer vision has gained momentum in medical imaging tasks. Deep learning and Transfer learning are some of the approaches used in computer vision. The aim of this research was to do a comparative study of deep learning ... -
A Comparative Study of Transformer-based Models for Hate-Speech Detection in English-Kiswahili Code-Switched Social Media Text
(International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2024)The transformer architecture, first introduced in 2017 by researchers at Google, has revolutionized natural language processing in various tasks, including text classification. This architecture formed the basis of future ... -
A Comparative Study of Transformer-based Models for Text Summarization of News Articles
(International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2024-04)Transformer-based models such as GPT, T5, BART, and PEGASUS have made substantial progress in text summarization, a sub-domain of natural language processing that entails extracting important information from lengthy texts. ...