An e-Readiness Assessment of ICT Integration in Public Primary Schools in Kenya Case of Nyeri County.
In primary schools, information and communication technologies (ICT) are widely seen as tools for enhancing learning. This expectation increases their rapid diffusion and adoption throughout developing countries. Despite the strong emphasis given to ICTs in education, little has been done to evaluate e-readiness as a factor that influences ICT integration in primary schools in Kenya. This study sought to evaluate e- readiness of ICT integration in public primary schools in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The targeted population was 376 subjects comprising of 375 teachers in the 23 public primary schools in Nyeri Central Sub-county and one Sub-county director of education. 11 schools were sampled through simple random sampling technique. The SCDE and the head-teachers of every school sampled were purposively selected. 66 teachers were randomly sampled, making the sample size of 78 respondents. Data collection was done using questionnaires, interview and observations. There was a response rate of 100%. The results indicated moderate readiness in adopting ICT in public primary school in Nyeri Central Subcounty. This would be enhanced if the government would expedite the process of procurement and installation of the digital hardware and software in the schools and also, plan on how all public primary teachers would be re-trained on ICT application on the primary education curricula.
- Journal Articles (CI) [116]