Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Experience of communication among cervical cancer patients in Kenya
Communication influences patient disclosure, treatment adherence, and outcome, adaptation to illness, and bereavement. Different cancer patients and caregivers communicate their various experiences in unique ways. These ...
Institutional Innovations for Smallholder Agricultural Production Systems in Kenya: A Case of Smallholder Tea Subsector
The smallholder tea sub-sector which is part of the larger Kenyan tea industry has enjoyed considerable success since its inception in the early 1960s. The planted area under the smallholder system, expanded from 2,522 ...
Silence as Communication: A Phenomenological Study of Cervical Cancer Patients and Caregivers in Kenya
Managing a serious diagnosis is a complex and challenging process thus effective communication is a critical aspect of cancer management. However, this has not been given the much needed emphasis. This study therefore ...
Youth deradicalization as a post-terrorism security intervention and its effect on social relations in Nairobi county, Kenya
De-radicalization among young people is a crucial fight of national and international terrorism globally. It is one of the post-terrorism security intervention strategies that is thought to address the root causes of youth ...
Influence of Televised Crime news on Audience Actions
Most television newscasts often relay crime stories with detailed descriptions and vivid images. Literally, the media set the agenda of what the audience should pay attention to and think about by selecting crime stories, ...
Consumers’ Salient Beliefs Regarding Foods From Edible Insects In Kenya: A Qualitative Study Using Concepts From The Theory Of Planned Behaviour
Population growth, urbanization and climate change, are among the factors that have created uncertainties and pressures on current global food and economic systems. Agricultural intensification can no longer support the ...
A Comparative Study on Contribution of Governance on Economic Growth Countries in the East African Community
This study sought to explore the relationship between good governance and economic growth among the East Africa Community (EAC) countries. The study utilized panel data to analyse six major World Bank governance indicators ...
The Influence of Police-Community Partnership Strategy on Social Relations in Nairobi County, Kenya
Post terrorism security intervention strategies cut across social, cultural, economic and political lens of the society. It is a vague area in social life that calls for sociological approach and few studies have been ...
Historical Development of Land Disputes and Their Implications on Social Cohesion in Nakuru County, Kenya
Globally, land related conflicts have deep social implications; they lead to deaths, hate, intimidations, tensions, dislocations and displacements of many people from their homes, thereby adversely affecting social cohesion ...
Intentions to consume foods from edible insects and the prospects for transforming the ubiquitous biomass into food
Edible insects are a potentially less burdensome source of proteins on the environment than livestock for a majority of rural consumers. Hence, edible insects are a timely idea to address the challenges of the supply side ...