Now showing items 21-30 of 119
Climate factors as determinants of food security in semi-arid Kenya: a longitudinal analysis
Food security in the arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs) of Kenya is linked to climate and socio-economic factors. This study was conducted in two ASAL counties of Kenya, Kajiado and Makueni, inhabited by pastoral communities. ...
The link between seasonal climatic variability and poverty: A case study of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Baringo District, Kenya
Poverty remains rampant in the dry districts of Kenya so that it has now become an important item on Kenya’s development agenda. The dry districts of Kenya receive low amounts of rainfall, which is also erratic. These ...
Assessing the potential of camel milk as a livelihood option in the face of climatic and environmental changes in drylands of Kenya
In drylands of Kenya, the adverse effects of climate variability and change has directly weakened the pastoral production system and made it less effective as a livelihood option. This has med most pastoral household food ...
The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Tanzania
The main objective of this study was to quantify the economic contribution of copyright-based industries in Tanzania by estimating their value-added contribution to GDP, share of national employment, and revenue generated ...
The impact of climate variability and extreme weather events on gender: Gender vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for improved household food security in Malawi
The challenge to achieving household food security is a combination of biological, physical, and social factors. However, social factors, gender in particular, have received a cursory attention in adaptation studies. ...
Dry matter yields and hydrological properties of three perennial grasses of a semi-arid environment in east Africa
Enteropogon macrostachyus (Bush rye), Cenchrus ciliaris L. (African foxtail grass) and Eragrostis superba Peyr (Maasai love grass) are important perennial rangeland grasses in Kenya. They provide an important source of ...
Indigenous techniques for assessing and monitoring range resources in East Africa
Local knowledge, which refers to a social activity that has been set up primarily as a result of local initiative, or techniques that are endogenously generated, enforced and maintained has not been mainstreamed in rangeland ...
Impacts of policy reforms on the livestock industry in Kenya: The case of the dairy sector
This article analyses the impact of liberalization on the dairy industry in Kenya. Much debate rages over the effects of this policy. This debate is, however, not well informed; it lacks recent studies to show events and ...
Role of camel milk in pastoral livelihoods in Kenya: contribution to household diet and income
Pastoral livestock production in Kenya is subject to unpredictable rainfall and drought occurrences.
These adverse climatic conditions have led to vulnerable and insecure pastoral livelihoods. Despite the
potential to ...
Factors Influencing Pastoral and Agropastoral Household Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in the Drylands of Kenya: A Case Study of Kajiado and Makueni Counties
This study establishes the determinants of household vulnerability to food insecurity in pastoral households of Kajiado and agropastoral households of Makueni Counties of Kenya. A randomly selected sample of 198 households ...