Now showing items 11-20 of 33
Review of policies and frameworks on climate change, agriculture, food and nutrition security in Ethiopia
Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopia’s economy, contributing over 50% of the gross domestic product (GDP), accounting for more than 85% of the labor force and over 90% of the foreign exchange earnings (Alemu et al. ...
Climate Smart Agriculture in the African Context
Agriculture remains vital to the economy of most African countries and its development has significant implications for food security and poverty reduction in the region. Increase in agricultural production over the past ...
The value of pastoralism in Kenya: Application of total economic value approach
The value of pastoralism practiced in Kenya is not well appreciated, even though it is said to be enormous. The available statistics tend to underestimate this value from the point of view of its contribution to the local ...
Comparing use of ethno veterinary products among rural and periurban chicken farmers in Katulani District, Kenya
A survey was carried out to determine use of ethno veterinary products among chicken farmers in Katulani District, Kenya. Data was collected through observations, photography and structured questionnaires administered to ...
Governance and Challenges of Wildlife Conservation and Management in Kenya
(Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021)
Wildlife in Kenya is both a national resource and a key source of revenue for the government. Wildlife and tourism are interdependent and essential sectors in Kenya’s socio-economic development agenda. This chapter reviews ...
Agriculture is a key driver for pro-poor economic growth in Kenya and supports over 80% of rural households (Amwata et al., 2015). Challenges in the agriculture sector (RoK, 2010; 2012; Nyariki et al., 2005): Limited ...
Effects Of Communal And Individual Land Tenure Systems On Land Use And Food Security In Kajiado District, Kenya
The East African governments have initiated land reform programmes with the objective of creating individualisation of land rights where rules of access, use and transfer are reformulated in order to adapt to rising ...
Innovativeness and adaptations: the way forward for small scale peri- urban dairy farmers in semi-arid regions of South Eastern Kenya
Dairy farming is becoming an important livelihood support activity in the semi-arid regions of Kenya. However, it is becoming clear that the dairy farmers are challenged and in the recent past, milk production has not kept ...
Climate variability, land use and livelihoods in the Rangelands
This book explores the interrelationships between climate variability, land-use and livelihoods in the rangelands, taking Makueni and Kajiado Counties of southern Kenya as a case. Makueni County is predominantly inhabited ...