Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Impact of Inventory Management on the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management Practices in the Public Sector, A Case Study of Ministry of Finance
The main objective of the study was to assess factors affecting the effectiveness of supply chain management practices in Kenyan public sector with, specific reference to the Ministry of Finance. The study’s specific ...
Effects of Product Differentiation Strategies on Firm Product Performance: A Case of Kenya Seed Company (KSC), Kitale
Firms within the same industry have been selling products that are good substitutes for each other, yet it is commonly the case that no firm within the industry sells a product that is identical to that sold by a competing ...
Grievance Resolution Mechanism on Employee Productivity: Commercial Banks in Bungoma County, Kenya
Motivation of employees has always been quantified in financial attributes. For productivity to occur then there is need for using non-financial motivational initiatives. This study purposed to analyze the role of motivational ...
Volume of Deposits, A determinant of Total Long-term Loans Advanced by Commercial Banks in Kenya: Case of Bungoma County.
Commercial banks have exponentially increased their total loans advanced over the period 2002- 2013. However commercial banks in Kenya have shown varying long term lending behavior. The main objective of this study was to ...
Credit Reference Bureau as the Factor Influencing the Profitability of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Case of Standard Chartered Bank, Kenya
The Kenyan banking sector was in the 1980's, 1990's and early 2000 riddled with numerous Non- Performing Loans (NPLs) portfolio which reduced the bank's profitability profoundly and led to the collapse of many banks Imperial ...
Effect of Training on the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management in the Kenyan Public Sector
It is a common practice by most firms to cut or freeze training budget whenever the economic conditions are hard or even suspend training programs altogether. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of training on ...
Effect of Supplier Relationship Management on the Effectiveness of Supply Chain Management in the Kenya Public Sector
The main objective of the study was to assess factors affecting the effectiveness of supply chain management practices in Kenyan public sector case of Ministry of Finance with the aim of assessing the effect of supplier ...
Internal Audit Independence and Share Performance of Firms Listed In the Nairobi Stock Exchange
Internal audit is considered as the backbone of the business accounting as it is the section that scrutinizes all businesses transactions of a company. The main objective of the study is to establish the relationship between ...
Effectiveness of Human Resource Management on County Government Performance a Case Study for Elgeyo Marakwet County
This study endeavoured to look at the effectiveness of Human Resource Management on County Government performance. This paper looked at the key function of Human Resource Management, safety and health, and how it contributes ...
Information technology and effectiveness of supply chain management in the Kenya public sector.
Main objective of the study was to establish factors affecting effectiveness of supply chain management in Kenyan public sector with, specific reference to the Ministry of Finance. The study’s specific objective is to ...