Adjusting Academic Library Services to Covid 19 Prevention Protocols
The Covid 19 pandemic has presented challenges in the provision of library services in academic libraries. The pandemic has affected the mode of library operations and therefore librarians had to shift to virtual library services and also adopt to new ways of providing their normal physical library services while observing Covid 19 prevention protocols. Due to these unexpected challenges, this study finds out the type of library services offered, working patterns and strategies applied by academic libraries in Kenya in response to Covid 19. Google form questionnaires were administered to librarians in ten academic libraries. Semi structured interview was also conducted to five librarians in the same selected academic libraries. The study found majority of the libraries have adjusted their services and facilities to the Covid 19 prevention protocols though frequent cleaning of the main reading areas have been overlooked. Libraries have also adopted the use of virtual library services in dissemination of most of electronics resources but the main challenges hindering improved transition to virtual services are poor library infrastructure and slow internet connection, lack of adequate skilled staff, lack of support in purchasing of core e-books, e-journals and e-newspapers. During the academic institutions closure, librarians were relying on provision of online resources and this was faced with barriers of digital divide and unaffordable internet access among users. Library working schedules changed and librarians had to reduce their operating hours to adjust to the national curfew guidelines. The study recommends initiatives to be adopted by academic libraries in order to meet user information needs during and after Covid 19 pandemic period.