Influence of Digital Technologies on Digital Transformation of Kenya Airways
The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of digital technologies on digital transformation in Kenya Airways. The study was guided by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and the Digital Maturity Model. The study employed the convergent parallel mixed methods design. The study targeted all the 410Management staff holding positions designated Grade H11 to H15 all the departments as of March 2020. The sampling was guided by Taro Yamane formula which yielded a sample size of 157 respondents. A questionnaire tool and an interview guide were used to collect data. Data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found out that digital transformation process varied across the various departments and was therefore not harmonised across the entire organisation; cloud computing, website modernisation, journey maps and employee performance tracking initiatives were responsible for up to 77 % of the variations in the digital transformation of the organisation; and the use of customer journey maps and employee performance tracking impacted the most on digital transformation at Kenya Airways. The use of data and digital technologies to understand the customer needs behaviour and to develop responsive products had led to digital transformation at Kenya Airways. Recommendations were that the senior management at Kenya Airways pays more attention to two technologies namely, customer journey maps and employee performance tracking, for they were found to be the most impactful on digital transformation. Further research is suggested to identify other variables responsible for transforming organisations digitally.