Now showing items 1-10 of 941
Diversity of African forest mollusc faunas: what we have learned since Solem (1984)
We report on studies in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa
over the past 22 years that have yielded estimates of land-snail diversity in
the main forest types occurring in East and eastern southern Africa. ...
Nutritional vulnerability of older persons living in urban areas of Lake Victoria Basin in East Africa: a cross sectional survey.
(Journal of Nutrition in Gerentology and Geriatrics, 2012)
The aim of this study was to (1) determine the prevalence of malnutrition and (2) investigate factors affecting nutritional status of older persons living in urban areas of Lake Victoria Basin. The prevalence of underweight ...
Perspectives of Teacher Trainees’ Preparedness and Adoption on Integration of ICT in Public Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya
(IJIER, 2020-09)
This study was concerned with perspectives of student teacher trainees’ preparedness and adoption on integration of ICTs in public teacher training colleges. Effective preparedness and adoption on integration of ICTs ...
Isolation And Testing The Cholesterol Reduction Ability (in-vitro) Of Lactococcus lactis From Fermented Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus) Leaves
(African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development., 2011)
Probiotics are live microbial feed supplements, which positively affect the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Studies have shown probiotic activities of Lactococci isolated from dairy foods, which ...
The perfect drought? Constraints limiting Kalahari agro-pastoral communities from coping and adapting
(African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2011)
Rural Kalahari agro-pastoral communities of Southern Africa have been exposed to drought shocks
throughout history and have adapted their livelihoods accordingly. Yet, drought continues to disrupt or
threaten to disrupt ...
Effects of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Achievement by Gender Differences in Secondary School Mathematics in Laikipia East District, Kenya
Students’ Gender differences in mathematics achievement have important implications for the underrepresentation of women in science. Typically, students’ gender differences in mathematics achievement emerge at the beginning ...
Analysis of Demographic and Travel Characteristics of Domestic Tourists Visiting Coast Region, Kenya
(ajpjournals, 2022)
Purpose: With the increased tourism demand among domestic tourists in Kenya their travel needs for tourism products and services varies considerably due to their unique characteristics. The purpose of this study ...
Design and Implementation of Resilient Cooperative Bait Detection Technique to Curb Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in MANETs Using DSR Protocol
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)
Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are unique type of wireless networks that are infrastructureless and with no centralised management. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. The nodes are free to join and leave the ...
Challenges and Opportunities for promoting Maternal, New born, and Child Health in urban informal settlements: perspectives of Community Health Volunteers in Nairobi, Kenya
Across the world, Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) are recognised as first line health care providers. Overtime, the Kenyan government has acknowledged CHVs as an integral component in provision of first line health care ...
Stored Grains Protection Activity of Ocimum Suave Extracts and Compounds on Larger Grain Borer
(IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB) Volume 8, Issue 4 (Jul. – Aug. 2022), PP 05-10, 2022)
Post-harvest pests cause serious losses to agricultural products in Africa. The pests consist mostly of beetles or
moths and infest the grains at the crop stage or during the storage. Larger grain borer, Prostephanus
truncatus ...