Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Association between Students’ Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Electrochemistry When Taught using Software-Oriented Concept Mapping
(International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2021-11)
This study determined the association between Kenyan students’ self-efficacy and their achievement in electrochemistry when taught using taught using Software-Oriented Concept Mapping in comparison to the Conventional ...
Effect of Software-Oriented Concept Mapping on Kenyan Students’ Achievement in Electrochemistry
This study investigated the effect of using Software-Oriented Concept Mapping on students’ achievement in electrochemistry among secondary school students in Kakamega County, Kenya. It was grounded on David Ausubel’s ...
Motivating Students to Learn Chemistry by Programmed Instruction: The case of Kenyan Secondary Schools
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers), 2016-08)
This study investigated how students‟ motivation in Chemistry is affected through the use of Programmed Instruction in abstract topics. The research location was Butere sub-county, Kakamega County, Kenya. Quasiexperimental ...
Promoting Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy in Chemistry through Teaching Using Molecular Models
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers), 2016-09)
This study investigated how students’ self efficacy in Chemistry is affected through the use of molecular models as contrasted with the conventional instructional strategies in the topic of Structure And Bonding (SAB). The ...
Effect of Programmed Instruction on Academic Achievement in Radioactivity among Students in Kenyan High Schools
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers), 2016)
This study was prompted by the urgent need for effective technology-based strategies in the teaching and learning of abstract chemistry topics whose inadequacy has led to students‟ low achievement in the subject during in ...
Effect of Programmed Instruction on Students’ Attitude Towards Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table among Kenyan Secondary Schools
(International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE), 2015)
This study examined the effect of Programmed Instruction on students’ attitude towards Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table (SAPT) among mixed (co-educational) secondary schools of Butere district, Kakamega county, ...
The Influence of Peer Counseling on the Level of Alcohol Abuse among Students in Public Day Secondary Schools in Imenti South SubCounty, Kenya
(East African Scholars Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, 2020-06)
The study ascertained the influence of peer counselling intervention on the level of alcohol abuse among students in public day secondary schools in Imenti South sub-county, Kenya. The research was implemented using the ...
The Guidance and Counseling Interventions Given to Students Who Abuse Alcohol: Case of Kenyan Public Day Secondary Schools
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers), 2018-04)
Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs among the youth in the world today and this is one of the reasons leading to poor performance by Kenyan secondary school students in national examinations. The purpose of this study ...