Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Perspectives of Teacher Trainees’ Preparedness and Adoption on Integration of ICT in Public Teacher Training Colleges in Kenya
(IJIER, 2020-09)
This study was concerned with perspectives of student teacher trainees’ preparedness and adoption on integration of ICTs in public teacher training colleges. Effective preparedness and adoption on integration of ICTs ...
Effect of User Interface on the Utilization and Efficacy of Educational Digital Content among Secondary Schools in Kenya
(International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2016-10)
The quality of educational support materials utilized in schools contributes greatly to the quality of education that is delivered during an instructional process. In recent years, there has been rapid expansion in digital ...
Status of Learning Amid Covid -19 For Learners with Disabilities and the Accompanying School Closures: A Case of Selected Counties in Kenya
The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes to the scenario of teaching and learning in institutions of education. The shift from face-to-face traditional mode to online platforms brought many challenges along with it. This ‘new ...
The Impact of the Novel Corona Virus in Education: Salient features learnt in Higher Institutions of learning, Kenyan perspective
(International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 9 No. 9 September 2021, 2021)
The world was attacked by the Novel Coronavirus Virus which has been forcing the world into a
series of changes in many fields one of them being education. This pandemic imposed new
educational methods such as adopting ...
Impact of the Principal’s Leadership Behaviour on Students’ academic Performance in Secondary Schools, Manga Division, Nyamira District, Nyanza Province
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2017-07)
The central problem of this study was that despite the critical role played by the principal in
secondary school management, students’ academic performance has persistently been poor.
Factors leading to this dismal ...
Challenges Faced by Parents in Implementing Competence Based Curriculum in Primary Schools: Kenyan Perspective
The successful implementation of competency-based curriculum at all education levels will be determined by parental understanding of skills, knowledge and attitudes imparted. Parental engagement in educational activities ...
Extent of Use of Biology Instructional Resources and Effect on Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Siaya County – Kenya
(International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2017-07)
This study sought to find out the extent of use of biology teaching and learning resources and how it
affects students’ academic performance. The study was carried out in public secondary schools in Siaya
County. The ...
Challenges Facing Teachers in Integrating Educational Technology into Kiswahili Teaching. A Case of Selected Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya.
(International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2016)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought about profound changes in this 21st century era.ICT has changed the way people communicate and do business. In education, the role of ICT and whether or not it ...
Effect of utilization of biology teaching and learning resources on students' academic performance in secondary schools in Siaya District - Kenya.
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2017-01)
This study sought to find out the effects of utilization of biology teaching and learning resources on
students’ academic performance. The study was carried out in public secondary schools in Siaya
District. The researcher ...
Challenges facing teachers and students in the use of instructional technologies: a case of selected secondary schools in Kisii central district, Kisii county
(International Journal of Information Research and Review, 2016-11)
In this era of information technology, the role of teachers is changing from providing information to
organizing the entire learning process. This is mainly because, learners can easily access any
information they need ...