Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Analysis of Demographic and Travel Characteristics of Domestic Tourists Visiting Coast Region, Kenya
(ajpjournals, 2022)
Purpose: With the increased tourism demand among domestic tourists in Kenya their travel needs for tourism products and services varies considerably due to their unique characteristics. The purpose of this study ...
Immovable cultural heritage
Cultural heritage expresses the way of life of a community over generations. It answers questions through research and archives of the remains of the past for scientific and historic purposes. Cultural heritage has survived ...
(Edward Elgar, 2022-07)
Cultural tourism is defined by UNWTO (1985) as a movement of people essentially for cultural motivations. Cultural tourism is cocreated at cultural tourism destinations where travellers are engaged with cultural assets. ...
Investigating the influence of business events experience on international visitors’ perceived destination image: The case of Kenya
(Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 22:5, 384-406,, 2021)
Tourism destinations’ in Africa continue to experience stereotypes, prejudice and negative images. These are further amplified and reinforced by international media. International business events provide an opportunity to ...
Moderating Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors on the Relationship between Social Media Applications and Guests’ Choice of Fine Dining Restaurants
The main purpose of this research was to determine the moderating influence of social demographic factors on guests’ choice of fine dining restaurants. A mixed-method (concurrent nested) was used to do the survey. Simple ...
Learn from Hong Kong
(The Daily Nation, 2021-09-22)
Factors Effecting Valued Resource Distribution
(Springer Nature, 2021)
Challenges and Opportunities to Sustainable Sport Tourism Events: Insights from an Urban Host City
Sports tourism is viewed as an ideal tool for supporting the livelihood of the host communities in developing countries. As an alternative way of involving the host community in tourism activities, sports tourism aims to ...
Sports Tourism Events and Socio-economic Well-being of the Host Communities: Motivations and Benefits from an Emerging Destination
Travel and tourism industry has been considered as a major catalyst for local community development. As an alternative way of involving the host community in tourism activities directly, sports tourism aims to enable the ...
Sports Tourism Events and Socio-economic Well-being of the Host Communities: Motivations and Benefits from an Emerging Destination
(Events and Tourism Review, 4(1), 30-42., 2021)
Travel and tourism industry has been considered as a major catalyst for local community development. As an alternative way of involving the host community in tourism activities directly, sports tourism aims to enable the ...