Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Development of and Policy on the Range and Pastoral Industry with Special Reference to Kenya
Rangeland” or simply “range” is, by definition, “inferior” land by reason of physical and socio-economic limitations such as low rainfall, high temperatures, poor soils, and long distances from market outlets and supply ...
Dryland Husbandry for Sustainable Development in the Southern Rangelands of Kenya
The Dryland Husbandry Project (DHP) came into being under an arrangement conceived by the Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD), which changed later to Inter-Governmental Authority on Development ...
Dryland Resource Management Technology Adoption in South–Eastern Kenya: Successes, Opportunities and Challenges
There are several challenges faced in the adoption of the Dryland Resource Management Technologies. An integrated system must consider the main drawbacks, in particular: policy conflicts, (ii) poor understanding of the ...
Range Use and Trophic Interactions by Agropastoral Herds in Southeastern Kenya
Habitat utilization patterns and feeding interaction of free ranging agropastoral herds were investigated in two cycles of four consecutive grazing periods, in a semiarid environment, southeastern Kenya. The bites count ...
Range use and dynamics in the agropastoral system of southeastern Kenya
Occurrence of equilibrium and non equilibrium system dynamics in semiarid environments present serious management challenges. In these areas, resource management strategies are increasingly based on equilibrium rather than ...