Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Effect of Acacia tortilis pods on intake, digestibility and nutritive quality of goat diets in southwestern Eritrea
Fresh Acacia tortilis pods were mixed with low quality native grass hay to form the following five rations: 100% hay (T 1), 25% pods and 75% hay (T 2), 50% pods and 50% hay (T 3), 75% pods and 25% hay (T 4) and 100% pods ...
Effect of Balanites glabra canopy cover on grass production, organic matter and soil moisture in a southern Kenyan rangelan
A study was undertaken in Kenya’s southern savanna rangelands to determine the seasonal effect of Balanites glabra canopy cover on aboveground grass biomass, grass species composition, soil organic matter and soil moisture ...