Now showing items 1-10 of 38
Development of and Policy on the Range and Pastoral Industry with Special Reference to Kenya
Rangeland” or simply “range” is, by definition, “inferior” land by reason of physical and socio-economic limitations such as low rainfall, high temperatures, poor soils, and long distances from market outlets and supply ...
Effect of Acacia tortilis pods on intake, digestibility and nutritive quality of goat diets in southwestern Eritrea
Fresh Acacia tortilis pods were mixed with low quality native grass hay to form the following five rations: 100% hay (T 1), 25% pods and 75% hay (T 2), 50% pods and 50% hay (T 3), 75% pods and 25% hay (T 4) and 100% pods ...
Technical innovation and farm productivity growth in dry land Africa: The effects of structural adjustment on smallholders Kenya
This paper uses non-parametric approach to measure technical innovation and productivity growth at the smallholder farm-level in dry-land sub-Saharan Africa during the initial years of the structural adjustment programmes ...
Guidelines for emergency livestock off-take handbook
Kenya’s agricultural sector accounts for 20–30% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Of this, the livestock sector alone makes a contribution of about 50%. Thus, livestock contributes heavily to the GDP and food security ...
The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Tanzania
The main objective of this study was to quantify the economic contribution of copyright-based industries in Tanzania by estimating their value-added contribution to GDP, share of national employment, and revenue generated ...
The impact of climate variability and extreme weather events on gender: Gender vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for improved household food security in Malawi
The challenge to achieving household food security is a combination of biological, physical, and social factors. However, social factors, gender in particular, have received a cursory attention in adaptation studies. ...
Indigenous techniques for assessing and monitoring range resources in East Africa
Local knowledge, which refers to a social activity that has been set up primarily as a result of local initiative, or techniques that are endogenously generated, enforced and maintained has not been mainstreamed in rangeland ...
Impacts of policy reforms on the livestock industry in Kenya: The case of the dairy sector
This article analyses the impact of liberalization on the dairy industry in Kenya. Much debate rages over the effects of this policy. This debate is, however, not well informed; it lacks recent studies to show events and ...