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Now showing items 870-889 of 1246
A New Sterol Diglycoside from Conyza floribunda
(The South African Journal of Chemistry, 2009)Chemical investigation of CH2Cl2 and MeOH extracts of Conyza floribunda have led to the isolation of (24S)-ethylcholesta-5, 22E, 25-trien-3-O-glucosyl (1” 4’)-rhamnoside (1), (24S)-ethylcholesta-5,25-dien-3-O- -glucoside ... -
Newspaper Framing of The War on Terror and its Implications for Human Rights: The Case of Garissa Terrorist Attacks in Kenya
(2022-07)The study explores how the framing of the war on terror in Kenyan newspapers is re-shaping the human rights discourse. It principally explores how Kenya's counterterrorism responses since the late 1990s have impacted ... -
Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes Synthesised by Pyrolysis of (4-{[(Pyridine-4-yl)methylidene]amino}phenyl)ferrocene
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013-08-13)Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes (N-CNTs) were synthesized by pyrolysis of (4-{[(pyridine-4-yl)methylidene]amino}phenyl) ferrocene in a solution of either acetonitrile or toluene as carbon source. This was achieved by testing ... -
(2005)A NONPARAMETRIC APPROACH TO VARIANCE FUNCTION ETIMATION: AN APPLICATION TO NAIROBI’S STOCK EXCHANGE MARKET Abstract We consider the analysis of a method for fitting regression models to data in the field which exhibit ... -
A Novel Alert Correlation Technique for Filtering Network Attacks
(International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 2023-05)An alert correlation is a high-level alert evaluation technique for managing large volumes of irrelevant and redundant intrusion alerts raised by Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs).Recent trends show that pure intrusion ... -
A Novel Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
(, 2021)Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most frightening complications of diabetes mellitus affecting the working-age population worldwide leading to irreversible blindness if left untreated. A major challenge is early detection, ... -
Novel Modeling of a Fast DC Breaker for a VSC-HVDC Transmission System Protection
(2017-11)The inability to quickly isolate the faulty sections of the direct current (DC) network damages the converters and the transmission system. Further delay in fault interruption can be escalated to the generation system thus ... -
Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices among healthcare workers in management of chronic kidney diseases in selected hospitals in Dar es Salaam,Tanzania; a cross-sectional study
(Munuo et al., 2016)Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global public health problem. All health care professionals need to be knowledgeable and competent in nutrition as it applies to health promotion, prevention and treatment of ... -
(2013)Cucurbita is one of the underutilized crops and its existence in Kenya is presently threatened due to neglect. The pumpkin is a rich source of nutrients and has medicinal properties. However, owing to the perception that ... -
Nutritional evaluation of Kenya alpine dairy goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) milk: Effect of geographical location vs. feeding practices
(2016-07)This study used a randomized complete block design to assess milk nutritional and chemical composition, with each region treated as a block. Ten pedigree dairy goats were identified in each region, where randomization was ... -
Nutritional Evaluation of Some Kenyan Pumpkins (Cucurbita spp.)
(2014)The nutritional potential of thirteen varieties of Cucurbita fruits collected from selected regions of Kenya were evaluated for their proximate values, mineral and β-carotene content. The results indicated that the moisture ... -
Nutritional quality and physicochemical properties of Mucuna bean (Mucuna pruriens L.) protein isolates
(2010)The potential for mucuna bean protein isolate (MBPI) application as functional ingredient in foods is unknown. In this study nutritional quality and physicochemical properties of MBPI were investigated. Bean samples were ... -
(2016-08)Background: Nutrition and HIV are strongly related and any immune impairment as a result of HIV leads to malnutrition while malnutrition leads to immune impairment and thus worsens the effect of HIV. Individuals living ... -
The nutritional status of pulmonary tuberculosis patients aged 25-44 years attending tuberculosis clinic at Lodwar County and Referral Hospital, Turkana County, Kenya
(2017-01)Kenya is ranked thirteenth of the twenty two high-burden tuberculosis countries in the world and fifth highest in Africa. The majority of the people affected by TB in Turkana Central District were aged 25 - 44 years, with ... -
Nutritional vulnerability of older persons living in urban areas of Lake Victoria Basin in East Africa: a cross sectional survey.
(Journal of Nutrition in Gerentology and Geriatrics, 2012)The aim of this study was to (1) determine the prevalence of malnutrition and (2) investigate factors affecting nutritional status of older persons living in urban areas of Lake Victoria Basin. The prevalence of underweight ... -
On Singular Cauchy Problem of Euler-Poisson- Darboux Equation
(2016)We solve the singular Cauchy problem of Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation. The Riemann function, a solution corresponding to the adjoint equation is calculated and it enables us to evaluate any solution at a point by the ... -
Online Campaign in Kenya: Implementing the Facebook Campaign in the 2013 General Elections
(2015-07)The study investigated the implementation of the Facebook campaign in general elections in Kenya. The study utilized the mixed methods sequential explanatory design. Quantitative data was drawn, followed by qualitative ... -
Onward and Return Migrations: Migrant Characters in Hisham Matars’ The Return (2017) and A Month in Siena (2019)
(2021-07)Migration scholars have divergent views concerning the experiences of migrant characters in foreign nations. The first group of scholars suggest that migrant characters are never settled and because of disarticulating ...