Titanium dioxide Ag NP enhanced solid solar cell electrodes for favourable efficiency
Population growth leads to a heightened demand for working potential to support modern commercial and residential evolutions. Available conventional energy sources, however, cause environmental pollution and severe health problems like global warming. The current energy sources also face challenges due to factors like global warming that make hydro-generated energy production even more difficult due to droughts. Therefore, alternative energy options need to be explored. The study in question aimed to find a cost-effective and environmentally friendly energy source by fabricating a solar cell that uses titanium dioxide and potassium iodate (mixed in carbon) layers in a solidified structure. TiO2 was chosen due to its photo-generating properties and synthetic steadiness over a spread acidity/basicity neutrality. The iodine/iodide complex was used to replenish the photo-excited electrons while graphite facilitated their migration. The researchers varied the ingredients capacities for the separate electrodes keeping the rest unvaried for improved (I-V) terminal parameters. Deduction from the research established that the (0.4:0.3:0.17:0.01) TiO2/CX:I2:KI proportions resulted in the optimum charge range generation. The inclusion of potassium iodate (KI) improved iodine solvability and facilitated even dispersal in graphite, which was maintained at 0.01 g in all cells. The absorber and receptive layer thicknesses of 2.00 mm and 1.00 mm respectively generated the best 0.979 V open-circuit voltage (Voc) and 12.037 lA short-circuit current (Isc) results. Favorable (10.46%) efficiency (g) and (0.64) fill factor (FF) were derived. Conducting transparent glass was suggested for improving the linkage to the external circuit and models of reducing air pockets in the solid TiO2 photovoltaic devices could further enhance their performance.
- Journal Articles (PAS) [270]