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dc.contributor.authorNyamari, Jackson D.
dc.contributor.authorOteki, Evans B.
dc.contributor.authorMuhoro, Priscilla
dc.identifier.citationEast African Journal of Business and Economics, 6(1), pp. 125-136. doi: 10.37284/eajbe.6.1.1280.en_US
dc.description.abstracthe aim of the study was to evaluate how the electronic tender advertisement system affects the the operational performance of SMEs in Kenya. Schumpeter’s theory of entrepreneurship has been applied to ground the study. A descriptive study design was adopted. The target population for the study included 2500 SMEs operating in Murang’a County. The Yamane sample formula was used to determine a sample size of 189 SMEs. Drop and pick method was used in administering questionnaires with a response of 88%. The data collected was cleaned before being processed by use of SPSS version 23. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. R2 of 0.671 postulated that 67.1% of the operational performance of SMEs can be attributed to e-tender advertisement. It was concluded that there is a significant effect between E-tender advertisement and SMEs' operational performance. The study recommended that for easier visibility on upcoming tender contracts, firms should opt advertising tender on the most visited or accessible media platform.en_US
dc.titleElectronic Tender Advertisement System on Operational Performance of Small & Medium Enterprises in Kenyaen_US

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