Instructional Usefulness of ICT’s as perceived by Lecturers in Technical Training Institutions in Kenya
Information Communication Technologies (ICT’s) is now the source of information used for
instruction in our institutions of learning. Teacher education has received a big challenge as educators have to keep pace with the ever changing technology necessitating the reform of teacher education to re-invent educators for the future. The aim of the present study was to explore perceived instructional usefulness of ICT’s by Lecturers in Technical Training Institutions (TTI’s) in Kenya. The study adopted the quantitative research design. A sample size of 629 respondents was drawn from a total population of 2909 Lecturers in TTI’s in Kenya. Data was collected using questionnaires. The quantitative data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings indicated that Lecturers in TTI’s perceived that use of ICT’s is useful in instruction as it enhances and complements instruction. The study therefore, recommends that ICT’s use in instruction be facilitated as it greatly impacts instruction.