Browsing Journal Articles (ED) by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 59
(2013-03)This article reports on findings from a quantitative research study on recruitment of teachers in Kenya’s secondary schools. Purpose: To identify issues and challenges facing school-based recruitment of secondary school ... -
(2013-01)Board of Governors (BOGs) and Parent Teacher Association (PTAs) can rightly be described as the life blood of a school. They constitute an important component of the school leadership, management and governance structure. ... -
Challenges in leadership and management of church sponsored secondary schools in Kenya: Examining the relationship between principals and sponsors
(International Scholars Journals, 2013-07)The Kenya’s Education Act 1968 and revised 1980 makes provision for the appointment of sponsors in school management and empowers them to participate in the management of schools or colleges that they sponsor. This article ... -
Cyber Bulling Among Learners in Higher Educational Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Examining Challenges and Possible Mitigations
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2020-03)Proliferation of technology in the form of internet, mobile phone and social media access and usage is exposing many youths to cyber bullying activities. Cyber bullying activities are viewed as negative consequences of ... -
Effect of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Mathematics Achievement in Secondary Schools in Laikipia County, Kenya
(2016)Despite the important role mathematics plays in the society, there has been persistent poor performance in the subject in the Kenya Certificate Secondary Education (KCSE). This raises concern to all stakeholders in education ... -
The Effect of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Mathematics Self-Concept By Gender In Secondary Schools In Laikipia County, Kenya
(2018-11)Students’ gender differences in mathematics self-concept have important implications for the under-representation of women in science. Typically, students’ gender differences in mathematics self-concept emerge at the ... -
Effect of on-the-Job Training Technique on Job Performance at Murang’a University of Technology in Kenya
(2022-09)On-the-job training of employees is a big challenge to employees and specifically those working in universities in Kenya. The main purpose of this study therefore, was to explore the effect of on-the job training on employee ... -
Effect of Programmed Instruction on Academic Achievement in Radioactivity among Students in Kenyan High Schools
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers), 2016)This study was prompted by the urgent need for effective technology-based strategies in the teaching and learning of abstract chemistry topics whose inadequacy has led to students‟ low achievement in the subject during in ... -
Effect of Programmed Instruction on Students’ Attitude Towards Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table among Kenyan Secondary Schools
(International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE), 2015)This study examined the effect of Programmed Instruction on students’ attitude towards Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table (SAPT) among mixed (co-educational) secondary schools of Butere district, Kakamega county, ... -
Effect of Software-Oriented Concept Mapping on Kenyan Students’ Achievement in Electrochemistry
(2020-01)This study investigated the effect of using Software-Oriented Concept Mapping on students’ achievement in electrochemistry among secondary school students in Kakamega County, Kenya. It was grounded on David Ausubel’s ... -
Effect of User Interface on the Utilization and Efficacy of Educational Digital Content among Secondary Schools in Kenya
(International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2016-10)The quality of educational support materials utilized in schools contributes greatly to the quality of education that is delivered during an instructional process. In recent years, there has been rapid expansion in digital ... -
Effect of utilization of biology teaching and learning resources on students' academic performance in secondary schools in Siaya District - Kenya.
(International Journal of Education and Research, 2017-01)This study sought to find out the effects of utilization of biology teaching and learning resources on students’ academic performance. The study was carried out in public secondary schools in Siaya District. The researcher ... -
Effects of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Achievement by Gender Differences in Secondary School Mathematics in Laikipia East District, Kenya
(2013)Students’ Gender differences in mathematics achievement have important implications for the underrepresentation of women in science. Typically, students’ gender differences in mathematics achievement emerge at the beginning ... -
Effects Of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy On Students’ Achievement in Secondary School Mathematics In Laikipia East District, Kenya
(2013-07)Knowledge of mathematics as a tool for use in everyday life is important for the existence of any individual and society. It equips students with unique and powerful set of tools to understand the world and become ... -
Enhancing Engagement in Virtual Classroom to Transform the Traditional Classroom Experience during Post COVID -19 era: Kenyan Perspective
(International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning, 2024-02-08)Using emerging technology in the education process nowadays is necessary. Technology is changing much faster than ever, so technology-related skills need to be developed early in education. Virtual classroom technology ... -
An Evaluation of Pharmacy Pre-Registration Trainees‟ Perception of Their Placement Tutors in the United Kingdom (UK)
(2015-09)This article reports on the findings of the study that set out to investigate the views of pharmacy preregistration trainees regarding their placement tutors. The study adopted a quantitative survey approach and questionnaires ... -
An evaluation of secondary school principals’ perception of learning resources in free secondary education era in Kenya
(Net Journals, 2013)This article reports on the findings from a quantitative research study on learning resources in Kenya‟s secondary schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate the secondary school principals‟ perception on the ... -
Evaluation of Secondary School Principals’ Views on the Use of Untrained Teachers in Lesson Delivery in a Free Secondary Education System Era in Kenya
(IISTE, 2013)This article reports on the findings from a quantitative research study on the views of secondary school principals regarding the teaching competences of untrained teachers in free secondary schools in Kenya. Aim: To ... -
Examining the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium-sized public secondary schools in Kenya: A comparative analysis
(Net Journals, 2014-05)This article reports on the quantitative research survey findings regarding the challenges related to the teaching and learning resources affecting small and medium sized public secondary schools in Kenya. The aim of this ... -
Extent of Use of Biology Instructional Resources and Effect on Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Siaya County – Kenya
(International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2017-07)This study sought to find out the extent of use of biology teaching and learning resources and how it affects students’ academic performance. The study was carried out in public secondary schools in Siaya County. The ...