Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Design and Implementation of Resilient Cooperative Bait Detection Technique to Curb Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in MANETs Using DSR Protocol
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)
Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are unique type of wireless networks that are infrastructureless and with no centralised management. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. The nodes are free to join and leave the ...
Structural Complexity Attribute Classification Framework (SCACF) for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets
Several researchers have proposed the various classes of software attributes to guide in the derivation of metrics for software products. These existing classifications have targeted traditional software paradigms such as ...
An Enhanced Multiview Test Case Generation Technique for Object-oriented Software using Class and Activity Diagrams
(Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, 2020-11)
Software testing is one of the vital steps in software development life cycle. Test case generation is the first process in software testing which takes a lot of time, cost and effort to build an effective product from the ...
Optimized Trust-Based DSR Protocol to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in MANETs Using NS-3
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)
MANETs Communication relies on special routing protocols that make security a challenging endeavor. MANETs are open to a range of active and passive attacks; black hole attack is an active attack affects the network layer. ...
Validating Structural Metrics for BPEL Process Models
(River Publishers, 2020-10-28)
Business process models tend to get more and more complex with age, which hurts the ease with which designers can understand and modify them. Few metrics have been proposed to measure this complexity, and even fewer have ...
Implementation of a Structural Complexity Metrics Tool for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets (SCMT-SCSS)
The development of metrics tool is a basic requirement for the defined software metrics to be acceptable in the software industry. There are several metrics proposed over the years without tool support and this trend cannot ...
Automated Feature Extraction from UML Images to Measure SOA Size
Enormous development has been experiences in the field of text and image extraction and classification. This is due to large amount of image data that is generated as a result of document sharing for collaborative software ...
A Metrics-Based Fuzzy Logic Model for Predicting the Reusability of Object-Oriented Software
(Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, 2020-08)
Software reusability facilitates the engineering of new software or systems functionalities without having to start coding from scratch. This software quality provides numerous merits to the software developers including ...
Trust-Based Security Technique to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OTB-DSR Protocol in NS-3
(Global Journals, 2020-12)
The advent of mobile technology led to the emergence of Mobile Ad-hoc networks
(MANETs). These networks have no infrastructure and central authority. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. MANET nodes join and ...
Cloud Data Privacy Preserving Model for Health Information Systems Based on Multi Factor Authentication
With cloud computing (CC) becoming popular in recent years, variety of institutions, organizations, businesses and individual users are creating interest. They are adopting the technology in order to take advantage of ...