Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Design and Implementation of Resilient Cooperative Bait Detection Technique to Curb Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in MANETs Using DSR Protocol
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)
Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are unique type of wireless networks that are infrastructureless and with no centralised management. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. The nodes are free to join and leave the ...
Metrics For Evaluating Alerts in Intrusion Detection Systems
Network intrusions compromise the network’s confidentiality, integrity and availability of resources. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) have been implemented to prevent the problem. Although IDS technologies are promising, ...
Optimized Trust-Based DSR Protocol to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in MANETs Using NS-3
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2020-05)
MANETs Communication relies on special routing protocols that make security a challenging endeavor. MANETs are open to a range of active and passive attacks; black hole attack is an active attack affects the network layer. ...
Trust-Based Security Technique to Curb Cooperative Blackhole Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using OTB-DSR Protocol in NS-3
(Global Journals, 2020-12)
The advent of mobile technology led to the emergence of Mobile Ad-hoc networks
(MANETs). These networks have no infrastructure and central authority. Nodes in MANETs act as both routers and hosts. MANET nodes join and ...
Cloud Data Privacy Preserving Model for Health Information Systems Based on Multi Factor Authentication
With cloud computing (CC) becoming popular in recent years, variety of institutions, organizations, businesses and individual users are creating interest. They are adopting the technology in order to take advantage of ...