Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Analysis of the Problem Internet Use (PIU) Among Adolescents in Kenyan Schools 

      Micheni, E. M.; Muketha, Geoffrey M. (IISTE, 2019-10)
      There has been a rapid growth in internet use in Kenya. Adolescents are the highest users of internet in the country. This puts adolescents at risk of becoming addictive internet users. Adolescent internet use has also ...
    • Complexity Metrics for Statechart Diagrams 

      King'ori, Ann W.; Muketha, Geoffrey M.; Micheni, E. M. (2022-05)
      Model-Driven Development and the Model-Driven Architecture paradigm have in the recent past been emphasizing on the importance of good models. In the Object-Oriented paradigm one of the key artefacts are the Statechart ...
    • Interoperability of ERP Software 

      Micheni, E. M.; Muketha, Geoffrey M. (IGI Global, 2019)
      Even though most organizations are using enterprise resource planning applications, very few people understand the underlying interoperability nature within them. Interoperability is the ability of systems to provide ...
    • A Literature Survey of Cognitive Complexity Metrics for Statechart Diagrams 

      King'ori, Ann W.; Muketha, Geoffrey M.; Micheni, E. M. (2019-07)
      Statechart diagrams have inherent complexity which keeps increasing every time the diagrams are modified. This complexity poses problems in comprehending statechart diagrams. The study of cognitive complexity has over the ...
    • Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software 

      Muketha, Geoffrey M.; Micheni, E. M. (Global Engineering Science Reference, 2019-07)
    • A Metrics-Based Fuzzy Logic Model for Predicting the Reusability of Object-Oriented Software 

      Onyango, Kevin A.; Muketha, Geoffrey M.; Micheni, E. M. (Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, 2020-08)
      Software reusability facilitates the engineering of new software or systems functionalities without having to start coding from scratch. This software quality provides numerous merits to the software developers including ...