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Quick Response Code Security Attacks and Countermeasures: A Systematic Literature Review
(Journal of Cyber Security, 2025)A quick response code is a barcode that allows users to instantly access information via a digital device. Quick response codes store data as pixels in a square-shaped grid. QR codes are prone to cyber-attacks. This ... -
Adsorptive removal of phosphates from wetland waters using silica molyb date adsorbent
(Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2025)World’s most productive and valuable ecosystem is the wetlands. Quality and functions of wetlands have been affected adversely by deforestation, fertilizers, and pesticides among others. Pollution by phosphates affect ... -
). A Grassroots Solutions for Global Challenges: The Role of Self-Help Groups in Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Change in Nyakach, Kenya.
(American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, 2024)The impact of climate change in developing countries such as prolonged droughts, flooding and erratic rainfall, among other effects are increasingly driving agriculturaldependent households into deeper poverty each year. ... -
Heteroglossic approach to Discourse Analysis in Selected Languages spoken in Kenya: A Case of ‘Matatu’ Touts in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties in Kenya.
(JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, TECHNOLOGY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN AFRICA, 2025)This paper reflects on duplicity of meanings in a single informal utterance. This refers to the several interpretations that can be adduced to an utterance in the course of informal interaction. This study investigates ... -
Colonialism and Mimicry: A Literary Lens into Governance in Africa
(African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 2022)In the recent past, scholars have delved into the challenges African countries face in establishing Western-style democracy, often overlooking the insights provided by literary works. Most political and social science ...